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Help - Joshman543 - 16.09.2012

Hey everbody I am new to scripting but I am a very good mapper. I have a question because when I try to add this function :
//Map Bug Fixes
CreateDynamicObject(2755, 967.841552, -53.172443, 1001.944946, 0.000000, 0.000000, -92.700065);//
It gives me these following errors.
C:\Users\Aaron\Desktop\RP\gamemodes\larp.pwn(83651 ) : error 021: symbol already defined: "CreateDynamicObject"

What do I need to add in order to make this work?

Re: Help - Joshman543 - 16.09.2012

I will give rep for anyone how helps.

AW: Help - BiosMarcel - 16.09.2012

This Function is already defined by the Incognito Streamer!!!

Have you create a line like

PHP код:
new CreateDynamicObject

PHP код:
#define CreateDynamicObject 

PHP код:
stock CreateDynamicObject 

PHP код:
native CreateDynamicObject(....); 
or did you have an Include with the same Function?

Re: Help - Glint - 16.09.2012

Under which callback are you adding it ?

Re: Help - Lordzy - 16.09.2012

Include streamer.
Download Streamer 2.6 include and plugin.

And copy the include to Pawno->Include folder.
And then include it under a_samp
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>

//Below that your objects.

AW: Re: Help - BiosMarcel - 16.09.2012

Originally Posted by [xB]Lordz
Посмотреть сообщение
Include streamer.
Download Streamer 2.6 include and plugin.

And copy the include to Pawno->Include folder.
And then include it under a_samp
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>

//Below that your objects.
ALREADY DEFINED (Already Included)

Re: Help - Red_Dragon. - 16.09.2012

It is already defined just download the latest Incognito streamer plugin (v.2.6.1)