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doubt ampersand - Printable Version

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doubt ampersand - Rodrigo. - 15.09.2012

Hello guys.

Well, I see in many codes, this:
pawn Код:
stock Lyrics(&number, &lol)
This has the same function if I put it this way? :
pawn Код:
stock Lyrics(number, lol)
Does this change anything?...

Re: doubt ampersand - BadgerLedger - 15.09.2012

the & is to return multiple values

Re: doubt ampersand - Vince - 15.09.2012

The ampersand means that the argument is to be passed as a reference, not as a value. If you pass arguments by value (the default) then the original value of the variable will not change. If you pass arguments by reference then they will. For example:
pawn Код:
new a = 42;

stock byRef(&value)

printf("%d", a);
Will print 43. Whereas:

pawn Код:
new a = 42;

stock byVal(value)

printf("%d", a);
Will still print 42.

Re: doubt ampersand - Rodrigo. - 15.09.2012

wow, ok.
Thanks to 2.