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Help! Commands are mixed - Printable Version

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Help! Commands are mixed - Zachlive - 15.09.2012

Im freaking out, every command Is mixed with /spec, exampe /adminhelp says "Usage: /spec [Playerid/off]"

Re: Help! Commands are mixed - clarencecuzz - 15.09.2012

Show us all your OnPlayerCommandText, ZCMD CMD: COMMAND: etc. function, or anything related to commands.

Re: Help! Commands are mixed - Zachlive - 15.09.2012

It's not ZCMD, I have ALOT of commands, a few warnings, you want me to post ALL?

Re: Help! Commands are mixed - JaKe Elite - 15.09.2012

Post the warnings.

Re: Help! Commands are mixed - clarencecuzz - 15.09.2012

Show your /spec and /adminhelp commands. Another error might be that your OnPlayerCommandText is returning something that it shouldn't be.