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Login / Register system by Y_INI problem. - Printable Version

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Login / Register system by Y_INI problem. - MrBorsh - 14.09.2012

Well, I decided to make a login / register system and I saw that Y_INI's had a high rating, so I added it to my script, and it registering works perfectly except for one thing. When it says that I have logged in, it is staying in a camera view, looking frozen at the player whilst the player is running around.

So, I decided to relog to see if that would fix it, so I typed in my password, but didn't work, so I made a new account and used "lol" as password, but it did not work to log in with it. Anyone who'd like to help me out figuring out why-:

1.) The camera is frozen and not having normal camera view?
2.) Why the password does not work as promised?

Re: Login / Register system by Y_INI problem. - _Khaled_ - 14.09.2012

Any codes?

Re: Login / Register system by Y_INI problem. - MrBorsh - 14.09.2012

Can be found here:

note: I did add the "Users" folder to scriptfiles, so that is not the problem.

Re: Login / Register system by Y_INI problem. - MrBorsh - 14.09.2012

Originally Posted by MrBorsh
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Can be found here:

note: I did add the "Users" folder to scriptfiles, so that is not the problem.

Re: Login / Register system by Y_INI problem. - _Khaled_ - 14.09.2012

I used this Y_INI thing myself too, pm me your teamviewer ID and pass and I'll help you