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[GameMode] Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Printable Version

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Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

- First Gamemode Release (2012)

Hello guys, this is my first gamemode which is extremely Team Death-Match (T)DM Fun out. This is not a zombie server like or copy of the hosted one, its my own made which is better and full of fun. There are 2 teams Zombies & Humans and the humans have to survive throughout the GAME_TIME defined by killing Zombies. This gamemode is pretty advanced and full of fun to play. In Total this is total made gamemode. You need to edit some parts of the script if you really recommend it. View the Features and other Section of the thread for More information.

- Login And Register System (Y.INI)
- Saving Player Statics:
pawn Код:
[Player's Data]
Password = B4B2A6CA65758667330D220E220472047D5D74F2D228173E24B4C6CB945B402EFCFC2B7CC827C1D41912EE962498C4380B8698A7C42CD4FF4512B54F0EB7DF68
AdminLevel = 0
VIPLevel = 0
Money = 0
Scores = 10000000
Kills = 0
Deaths = 0
Level = 1
Rep = 0
Weapon = 24
Time = 0
Interior = 0
VirtualWorld = 0
Skin = 29
Logged = 1
- Added Basic Admin and Player CMDS
- 2 Team - Humans & Zombies
- Anti - Team Kill System
- Zombie Can't Drive Vehicles
- Human Class Selection by /Class
- Class Select For Next Map
- Zombie Has only Chainsaws
- Anti-Zombie Weapon Hack, They can't get any weapon
- NEW* Inventory System
- Player Statics Textdraws
- Gaming Textdraws Added
- Player Help Bot with Textdraw Edition
- Game Automatic Restarter - Define The Time in script (Default 1 Hour, 3600000)
- Dynamic Scary maps made fully in LS. (Thnx To Zombie Survival author kitten)
- Stats saver on connect and Disconnect
- Rank System based on player XP
- Reputation system. +Random Reputation on completing 1 Hour in game
- Easily Configure Script
- Fast File Saving and function loader in script
- Player Death and spawn messages through Help Bot Textdraw Messages
- Infection System, Press ( WALK ) Key to infect, only zombie can use it
- Infection cause -0.5 HP on Player Update
- Click player shows the clickerid's statics in dialogs
- Basic Admin And Player CMDS added
- Some Testing Commands added
pawn Код:
/Xp : Sets your XP to 100000
/Spawn : To spawn you back
/Infect : To test infection system, Alternate command

=> Login dialog on connect
=> Team Selection (Permanent- Human) Select Your Skin
=> Spawn of humans
=> Spawn of Zombies
=> Player Statics
=> Death Message in Help Bot
=> Class Selection for Humans by /Class
=> Infection system, losing HP



/Stats View Player statics
/Resetstats Reset current statics of the player
/Pm Send a player Private message
/Kick Kick a player (RCON only)
/Ban Ban a player (RCON only)
/Spawn Spawns the player back (Just a testing command)
/Infects Infects the player (Just a testing command)
/Xp Gives you 1000000 XP (Just a testing command)
/Kill Sets your health to 0.00 (Suicide)
/Class Switch class for next spawn (Humans only)

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Str1k3[R] - 13.09.2012

please give me new link.

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by Str1k3[R]
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please give me new link.
Does the link not work properly

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Glint - 13.09.2012

The link is fine for me other then that good job, actually very good for a first Gamemode.

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - BlackVip - 13.09.2012

Good Job Dude Keep The Good Work

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Thank you all for your good comments. Waiting for more positive thoughts

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - HyDrAtIc - 13.09.2012

Wow man! when i learned scripting i would never expect my self to do something like that

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 14.09.2012

Originally Posted by James_Nick
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Wow man! when i learned scripting i would never expect my self to do something like that

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - FaceTutorialz - 14.09.2012

Hey when I press samp-server.exe the server will not load. It will pop up for a second then disappear. Any help?

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - TheBlackKnight - 14.09.2012

Check the server.cfg and check the "gamemode0" line if its correct gome mode launch

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - FaceTutorialz - 14.09.2012

Ah I got maps in the gamemodes and ZO is filterscripts but another problem occurs. It will say Script[gamemodes/ZO.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or Function is not found"

Even though if I find the problem. The screens tell me this is gonna be a good script.

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 14.09.2012

Originally Posted by FaceTutorialz
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Ah I got maps in the gamemodes and ZO is filterscripts but another problem occurs. It will say Script[gamemodes/ZO.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or Function is not found"

Even though if I find the problem. The screens tell me this is gonna be a good script.
dude these errors only occur when you don,t have proper and compatble plugins and includes.
Wait i will add a full package of ZO today but not now because i am accessing net in my phone.

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - FaceTutorialz - 14.09.2012

Well I know you worked hard on this and im not gonna push you into adding the full package. But I would say add a tutorial because this is an error I cannot somehow fix. I got sscanf.dll and in my plugins folder and it says that I don't have it.

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - DeadLy™ - 14.09.2012

wow! Nice gamemode!

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 14.09.2012

Originally Posted by FaceTutorialz
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Well I know you worked hard on this and im not gonna push you into adding the full package. But I would say add a tutorial because this is an error I cannot somehow fix. I got sscanf.dll and in my plugins folder and it says that I don't have it.
Dont worry dude, I will add the package within a hour.
So can you wait for a hour atleast

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 14.09.2012

Hey got the Package. Download the package from the link:

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 14.09.2012

Originally Posted by iLoveSamp.
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dude, realle awesome work, and second suggestion for u.
make 1 best TDM script. with own admin system
Ok man lol lol

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - FaceTutorialz - 14.09.2012

Thank you dude. This is a GREAT gamemode.

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 14.09.2012

Originally Posted by FaceTutorialz
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Thank you dude. This is a GREAT gamemode.
I knew you would like it

Re: Zombie Outbreak (T)DM - SA-MP 0.3e - Qu3esL - 15.09.2012

lol over 100 downloads, more comments please. Atleast suggest fo other version