Alternative for tidypawn? -
Johndaonee - 12.09.2012
Since dracoblue's tidy pawn haven't been working the last month or so does anybody know an alternative?
Very stressing to sit and tab / delete text to get it indented
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? -
Vince - 12.09.2012
You know you can select multiple lines and press tab, right? If you'd properly indent in the first place, you wouldn't need a tool to do the work for you.
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? -
Johndaonee - 12.09.2012
I was asking for an alternative mate, don't worry I know my ways around but when you have people sending you code over a forum or pastebin it sometimes messes up, all I was asking for was something else then tidypawn so I dont have to sit 5 minutes everytime I receive something
Thanks for your understanding
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? -
C00K13M0N$73R - 12.09.2012
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? -
Mark™ - 12.09.2012
Tidypawn works for me, never had a problem with that.
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? -
Johndaonee - 14.09.2012
Originally Posted by C00K13M0N$73R
Good man, thank you very much.
The tidypawn site works but always return this when I put code or anything inside the text field.
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? - Glint - 14.09.2012
Yeah i think it is down i have the same problem.
Re: Alternative for tidypawn? -
Babul - 14.09.2012
got some features like code collapsing, and indeed auto indentation.