Compiling Error! - Printable Version
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Compiling Error! -
Kieran_Connell - 12.09.2012
I Get
error 017: undefined symbol "Get2DPosZone"
It wont let me compile my script.. will anyone help me fix this issue?
Thanks again- Kieran
Re: Compiling Error! -
Kieran_Connell - 12.09.2012
Can Someone Please help me.. i need it badly
Re: Compiling Error! -
[LB]BlAcK_DeViL - 12.09.2012
Give us that error line
Re: Compiling Error! -
mamorunl - 12.09.2012
You dont have a callback/stock/public called "Get2DPosZone"
Re: Compiling Error! -
Kieran_Connell - 12.09.2012
Get2DPosZone(spikeVariables[i][sPos][0], spikeVariables[i][sPos][1], sZone, MAX_ZONE_NAME); // Edited a_zones function (GET INCLUDE FROM SVN!!1)
Is the line., And Mamorunl how do i get a callback/stock/public?
Re: Compiling Error! -
mamorunl - 12.09.2012
Dunno.. probably GET INCLUDE FROM SVN!!1 Like it says?
Re: Compiling Error! -
Jikesh - 13.09.2012
Add this at bottom of your script:
stock Get2DPosZone(Float:x, Float:y, zone[], len)
for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(gSAZones); i++ )
if(x >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][0] && x <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][3] && y >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][1] && y <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][4])
return format(zone, len, gSAZones[i][SAZONE_NAME], 0);
return 0;
OR just get the include.