How to make a /giftcar cmd - Printable Version
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How to make a /giftcar cmd -
NinjaChicken - 11.09.2012
ok i want to make a CMD where i can /giftcar ID and then a dialog pops up for the player allowing them to input the vehicle id they want then they select OK and it adds it to their .ini file in the next available slot im using the ngrp script so please help me and il even pay you $10 for it
Re: How to make a /giftcar cmd -
Windrush - 12.09.2012
playerid - Give Car
id - Car
Re: How to make a /giftcar cmd -
NinjaChicken - 12.09.2012
i dont think you understand what i need

basically i can /giftcar and then a dialog will pop up for that player allowing them to enter the car id they want and it will add to their user file so it will laod on relog
Re: How to make a /giftcar cmd -
Djole1337 - 12.09.2012
Re: How to make a /giftcar cmd -
C00K13M0N$73R - 12.09.2012
'/createpvehicle' allows an administrator to create a players vehicle. The player must tell the admin the ID + colors
Re: How to make a /giftcar cmd -
NinjaChicken - 12.09.2012
yes i know about tht command but im going to allow a player to have a car after finishing registration