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QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 11.09.2012

QBank System( v2 )
First Release
Basic Banking Script by: Qu3esL

- Hello guys, i made this Filterscript with help from currencyinstacks. I have made a basic in-game Banking system with lots of options listed and given all the pictures / images about the system. The FS. is explained well with all editions. You can edit the script but keep the credits (Especially Mine: Qu3esL ). You can enable or disable instant banking by editing the script top section in config and edit the bank pickup position too and lot more. Please COMMENT, REP+, SUGGEST if you found the script helpful, you got any suggestion or any other reason. Download the script for max knowledge about banking in-game.

- Saves player data as (Balance, FeesPaid, TransMade, BankVisits, IntGained, TaxesPaid)
- Uses Dini (Sorry )
- Use instant banking by /Bank
- Check balance instantly by /Balance
- Edit pickups for bank dialog automatic openings
- Textdraw for bank balance
- Configuration Easily explained: ( Edit if you want )
pawn Код:

#define QBank_FILE                  "QBank/%s.ini"//Change the value if you want but dont forget to create the folder
#define QBank_MESSAGE               0xFFFFFFAA//Bank sucess message colour
#define QBank_ERROR                 0xAA3333AA//Bank error message colour
#define QBank_INSTANT_BANKING       1//To start banking through /bank with pickups
#define QBank_TRANS_FEE             1//The fee for transactions(default $1).
#define QBank_INTEREST_RATE         3//(1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 6.25%))
#define QBank_TAXES_RATE            1//(1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 2.0125%))
#define QBank_INTEREST_PAYOUT_TIME  3600000//Interest payout time(default 1 hour)
#define QBank_TAXES_PAYOUT_TIME     1800000//Interest payout time(default 30 mins)
#define QBank_X                     0.0//Position X
#define QBank_Y                     0.0//Position Y
#define QBank_Z                     0.0//Position Z
- Use of ZCMD, /Bank & /Balance
- Fast Loading money System
- Configuration in Dialogs
- Total lines: 455 ( v2)
- Added More Commands ( v2)
- Added New Bank Map ( v2)
- Fixed Dialog Bugs ( v2)


- Thanks to vvhy for the bank map . SOME BANK SCREEN SHOTS
Didn't Shown these images because MAX_IMAGES allowed here is 20
=> Bank Main Scene

=> Door Way

=> Hallway

=> Basement

=> Vault

VERSION 1 ( v1 ):

VERSION 2 ( v2 ):

pawn Код:
#define QBank_FILE                  "QBank/%s.ini"//Change the value if you want but dont forget to create the folder
- This is the saving area or position of the player files or bank statics which get loaded on connect and saves on disconnect. You can change this by defining the Folder name but don't forget to make a folder similar to the name you entered in the script to add in Scriptfiles.

pawn Код:
#define QBank_MESSAGE               0xFFFFFFAA//Bank sucess message colour
#define QBank_ERROR                 0xAA3333AA//Bank error message colour
- These are simple definitions for giving the messages a specific color in Main Chat. You can change them by changing the hex value (e.g. 0xFFFFFFAA).

pawn Код:
#define QBank_INSTANT_BANKING       1//To start banking through /bank with pickups
- By entering true / 1 You can enable instant banking like Transferring, depositing, withdrawing, or many other features through CMDS anywhere. But putting the value to false / 0 Will disable it.

pawn Код:
#define QBank_TRANS_FEE             1//The fee for transactions(default $1)
- This will charge the player the TRANS FEES for transferring, Depositing, or Checking personal Information about banking. Change the value and the player will get charged the value defined. 0 = Free Of Cost

pawn Код:
#define QBank_INTEREST_RATE         3//(1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 6.25%))
#define QBank_TAXES_RATE            1//(1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 2.0125%))
- The first one is the definition of Interest on players deposited money. Increase it if you want more interest rate or either decrease it. Definitions: (1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 6.25%))

- The second one is the Taxes rate. It is also same as the rates. You can increase it to get more taxes from player with a specific period of time as you defined. Definitions: (1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 2.0125%))

pawn Код:
#define QBank_INTEREST_PAYOUT_TIME  3600000//Interest payout time(default 1 hour)
#define QBank_TAXES_PAYOUT_TIME     1800000//Interest payout time(default 30 mins)
- Edit the timers if you want. These are the the time in which on ending the player get Interest on the first definition and are Charged taxes in the second definition. Definitions: 1000 = 1 Second

pawn Код:
#define QBank_X                     0.0//Position X
#define QBank_Y                     0.0//Position Y
#define QBank_Z                     0.0//Position Z
- Edit these lines if you got a new map or a bank pickup. Edit the Float:X value in QBank_X, Float:Y value in QBank_Y, & Float:Z value in QBank_Z.

/Bank Instant Banking Main - Menu (If INSTANT_BANKING Enabled)
/Balance Check Your Bank Balance
/Statement Full Bank Statement or Player Bank Statics
/Sendcash Instant Transferring of maney (If INSTANT_BANKING Enabled)
/Deposit Instant Money depositing (If INSTANT_BANKING Enabled)
/Withdraw Instant Withdrawing Money (If INSTANT_BANKING Enabled)
/Banktele Instant Bank Teleport (If INSTANT_BANKING Enabled) POSITION: 322.4677, 110.0439, 1003.2095

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Excel™ - 11.09.2012

Awesome Script , REP ++.

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 11.09.2012

Originally Posted by Excel™
Посмотреть сообщение
Awesome Script , REP ++.
Thnx dude

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 12.09.2012

Anymore comments ?

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Nirzor - 12.09.2012

Excellent +REP great work dude! now this is what i call a modern banking! and btw This is my first reply on any

game-mode or filterscript made by others i am so happy in this that some-one thought of a modern idea after all

giving reps after many days! rep me back if u can!

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 12.09.2012

Originally Posted by Nirzor
Посмотреть сообщение
Excellent +REP great work dude! now this is what i call a modern banking! and btw This is my first reply on any

game-mode or filterscript made by others i am so happy in this that some-one thought of a modern idea after all

giving reps after many days! rep me back if u can!
Thanks Nizor for the positive reply

But i can Rep u when i got 50 + Posts

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - denNorske - 13.09.2012

Awesome Script, and nicely done work!

I will let you know if i find any bugs! ^^


Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Glint - 13.09.2012

Good job looks really nice, and by the way for the next release try to implement SQLite as it is much more faster and easier to use.

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by Lexi'
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Good job looks really nice, and by the way for the next release try to implement SQLite as it is much more faster and easier to use.
Ok for sure.

And thanks all for positive comments

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Excel™ - 13.09.2012

I think you should create a Bank map and save functions with SQLite Or Y.INI Atleast for better savings and add more commands.

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by Excel™
Посмотреть сообщение
I think you should create a Bank map and save functions with SQLite Or Y.INI Atleast for better savings and add more commands.
Ok i am updating this FS. but adding commands only

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

What do you think now guys, This is surely nice update.

Download Version 2 for MAX INFO

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Excel™ - 13.09.2012

Awesome Update, Surely the best banking system

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by Excel™
Посмотреть сообщение
Awesome Update, Surely the best banking system
Thank you Excel™

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - AliveBG - 13.09.2012

nice, i give you rep+

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by AliveBG
Посмотреть сообщение
nice, i give you rep+

AW: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - BiosMarcel - 13.09.2012

Nice Rep+

Re: AW: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
Посмотреть сообщение
Nice Rep+
Thank you

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - BlackVip - 13.09.2012

Cool Dude Thanks REP ++

Re: QBank - Basic Banking System (Sa-mp 0.3) - Qu3esL - 13.09.2012

Originally Posted by BlackVip
Посмотреть сообщение
Cool Dude Thanks REP ++
lol, you can only give REP when u got 50+ posts