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crashdetector problems {+rep} !! - Printable Version

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crashdetector problems {+rep} !! - c0smin - 08.09.2012

[08/09/2012 21:14:41] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[08/09/2012 21:14:41] [debug] Accessing element at index 674 past array upper bound 301
[08/09/2012 21:14:41] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[08/09/2012 21:14:41] [debug] #0 00035d18 in public OnPlayerStateChange () from gm.amx

+rep for solution!

Re: crashdetector problems {+rep} !! - nmader - 08.09.2012

Well... We do need to see the script your errors are prompting about.

Re: crashdetector problems {+rep} !! - c0smin - 08.09.2012

the crashdetector not shows the line

Re: crashdetector problems {+rep} !! - nmader - 08.09.2012

And mind informing us where the lines are that have errors on them?

Re: crashdetector problems {+rep} !! - c0smin - 08.09.2012

crashdetector not show the line for me