Pleaze Help - Printable Version
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Pleaze Help -
yLuSsSIoN - 07.09.2012
Hello , how can i "wipe" all the business , from the scriptfiles , because /asellbiz work only with first 5 business , or a command like /asellbiz but to delete all the business pleaze help , i will give +rep to the helper.
Re: Pleaze Help -
_Khaled_ - 07.09.2012
If you installed them as a filterscript, server.cfg > filterscripts > REMOVE THE BUSINESS DEFINITIONS.
If you want to remove all businesses created, go the the Path of the scriptfiles, and delete all the files in the folder, do not delete the root folder, if you're using Y_INI, delete all .ini files.
Re: Pleaze Help -
yLuSsSIoN - 07.09.2012
No i dont wanna delete all the bizzes i wanna delete , i wanna delete the Owner , i mean to be all for sale , i got only theese files about the bizzes and
Re: Pleaze Help -
yLuSsSIoN - 07.09.2012
Anyone ?
Re: Pleaze Help -
yLuSsSIoN - 08.09.2012
No-one pleaze ?
Re: Pleaze Help -
yLuSsSIoN - 08.09.2012
Cmoon dude , nothing ?
Re: Pleaze Help -
kbalor - 08.09.2012
Is there any command like /removebus /removebusiness /deletebus /deleteallbus search it in your filterscript.....
P.S> You bump to much like your avatar.
Re: Pleaze Help - HuSs3n - 08.09.2012
no one can help you without showing ur code
Re: Pleaze Help -
yLuSsSIoN - 08.09.2012
Which code to show , i got only theese about bizzes in my scriptfiles and
And in gamemode i got only /asellbiz ( only work for bizz id 0-4 ) , i wanna delete the Owners of the business , i mean to be all for sale .. you get it .. someone pleaze ?
For example how can I remove the owners from bizz id 5,6,7,8,9,10
Re: Pleaze Help -
Lordzy - 08.09.2012
Which buisness system are you using?