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School - Mark Shade - 07.09.2012

What are you planning to do in school?

Re: School - Jansish - 07.09.2012

Drop out and work in the nearby McDonalds

Re: School - EliteDrive - 07.09.2012

Originally Posted by Jansish
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Drop out and work in the nearby McDonalds
Gimmie a discount when I get there! :P Macds ftw.

-Get a college degree and go work for the IT department in a bank.

My dad works for the IT dep in a bank. the dude makes 10k a month CAD :P

Re: School - Kaperstone - 07.09.2012

Getting accepted to the best school in my country,pass everything successfuly and in one piece.
work for a hosting company or computer saling company.
gettin' rich and enjoy the life.

Re: School - Kimossab - 07.09.2012

Well you should have added in the poll the choice of the army. I will try to go to a college if I have money for it, if not than I'll join the army, try to go to special forces than there taking the course of sniper.

Re: School - Extremo - 07.09.2012

That's a pretty small option list. Life's rich of decissions and I don't think a simple poll can cover it. My plan for the future is to get my degree, continue with a Master ontop and than make my doctor(for some countries its known as PhD).

Though there is so much more that I have planned for my future than only such simple facts


Re: School - iNorton - 07.09.2012

I'm planning to...
Fuck I already finished school and college

You lads better do shitloads because you will want to go back there!

Re: School - Duck - 07.09.2012

Originally Posted by xkirill
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I have a better future then all of you together.
Getting accepted to the best school in my country,pass everything successfuly and in one piece.
work for a hosting company or computer saling company.
gettin' rich and enjoying the life.
How childish of you.

Aaaaanyway, I passed my exams, went to college for 4 years and got a degree in art/design. Went off education for a few years to see what I really wanted to do with my life and now I work for a game developer. I haz power over all of ze design department, follow ma orders! Nah not really, I just give people tasks such as this model has to be in this game he looks like this blah blah blah and so on. And if one fails to make some parts of the mesh smooth, I'll go give him a rant about what is NURMS.

Re: School - Kaperstone - 09.09.2012

Originally Posted by EliteDrive
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Lol a Rep representative makes like what 40k a year? You're saying that that is successful? Please kill your self.

Computer selling company? What do they make? Barley nothing. Why? Because there are millions of stores already.
This is in your country,
in my country there are 2 companys,both making over 100k per month,they have 20-30 stores around the country and have over 100 workers.
so yea,i call it successful,as i am not going to spent it on hang-out with friends(only vacations) and all or waste my money on shit.
also,as far as i remember,"working for a host company"?yes.
minimum salary is 8k,so in dollars it will be - 8k / 3.9 = 2051.28
so you earn 2k dollars per month.
also it depends on your knowledge & IQ,as higher it is,as higher your salary will be.
means the future is pretty successful.
depend on what will i choose to go with,probably hosting company or somethin' samiliar.

Re: School - Nick_Echo - 30.09.2012

Originally Posted by EliteDrive
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Gimmie a discount when I get there! :P Macds ftw.

-Get a college degree and go work for the IT department in a bank.

My dad works for the IT dep in a bank. the dude makes 10k a month CAD :P
What degree do you need for that?