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dialog problems. - Printable Version

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dialog problems. - [A]ndrei - 06.09.2012

Hey guys im really pissed because i have like 5 scripts with dialogs...
and i have Zadmin4.2
and when i put like this
 filterscripts Zadmin4.2 dialogfs bla bla bla
the f's after the Zadmin4.2 dont work and if i put Zadmin4.2 last IT STILL NO WORKES ://///

Re: dialog problems. - Hyperfire - 06.09.2012

Make sure the last return on OnPlayerDialogResponse is Return 0; in all the filterscripts.

Re: dialog problems. - mobiliz - 06.09.2012

Offtopic: Try to combine some filterscripts together so you don't have 5.
+ Make sure that your code is right and try to see if it works with return 0;

Re: dialog problems. - [A]ndrei - 06.09.2012

man wtf even if i leave one dialog script it still does not load FAAAAAAAAAA

Re: dialog problems. - deltapro - 06.09.2012

huh i really don't know how to help

filterscripts Zadmin4.2 dialogfs bla bla bla

Re: dialog problems. - [A]ndrei - 07.09.2012

then why did you post here?
Cmon guys i need help please.

Re: dialog problems. - kbalor - 07.09.2012

@deltapro useless

As Hyperfire said. "Make sure the last return on OnPlayerDialogResponse is Return 0; in all the filterscripts"

Also check every DIALOG ID's it depends on you how would you like to define them.

And as mobiliz said "Offtopic: Try to combine some filterscripts together so you don't have 5."

Try to combine them. It's easy and clean!