..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
Pro_Drifter - 06.09.2012
Hi guys this is a gamemode made by me...Its a greek/eng gamemode freeroam with a lot of maps,cmds and teles
My name is Vasilis and im from greece.Im 15 years old and i like playing football,samp
My last 1 year i tried to be scripter/mapper...Well i did it now im an amateur scripter
and i can handle my own server.
-Jump+SpeedBoost system made by me
-Lot of Maps like /chilliad /lv /ls /sf /pipe etc....
LuxAdmin Information
•How To Use
Type: Administration FilterScript
Version: 1.6 Beta
Last Update: 07/03/2010
Created By: LuxurioN
Licence: In end of post
+ Whirlpool Hashed Passwords (Greater security)
+ Account System (Register, Login, Changepass)
+ Save Player Statistics (Deaths+Kills+Weapons+Money+Position+TimeInServer+ Ip+Health+Armour+Score+WantedLevel)
+ Automatically Login!
+ Anti WeaponsHack (Easy to configure forbidden weapons in File)
+ Create Teleport System (Easy Create/Delete/Use new teleports InGame)
+ Lock/Unlock Server (With Dialog)
+ Many Dialogs (Vehicles,Teleports,Weapons,Server Time & Weather, and more...)
+ Anti Forbidden Names,Words and Clan (Easy to Configure in File)
+ InGame RCON Console (With Dialog)
+ Easy to configure more important options (In File and InScript).
+ Register & Login in Dialog! (GUI) (Only MustLogin is enabled)
+ Easy to Enable/Disable script functions InGame (In Dialog or in Command)
+ Anti CaPsLock, Anti Spam, Anti Swear and Anti Bot System
+ All Reports saved in Files.
+ Administration System per Level and Position
+ Save in Log: Cars Spawned, Kicks, Bans, TempBans, Bad Rcon Logins, Teles Createds, PmChat, AdmChat, SetLevel, and more...
+ Level System (SetLevel and SetTempLevel)
+ TempBan System (Ban Player for specified Days)
+ Dueling System
+ Rcon attempts System. (Configure number of attempts)
+ Warn System (Ban after the specified number of warnings)
+ All commands show the function of the command (When no syntax is typed) (Except some commands without necessary (Example: kill,savepos)
+ Highest Administrators is immune from all commands
+ GiveWeapon support the Weapons Names
+ Commands very well organized in levels (/level 1/2/3/4/5) (Ex: /level 4)
+ Administrators can save your skin, for use in other Time
+ Most commands accepts the player's name or the ID
+ Dialogs simple Diasable/Enable in top of your script
+ New Rcon Commands! (For use in Control Panel or InGame)
+ Loads of the configurations and more important Functions
+ Hide/UnHide commands (Hide you from Admins List, and remove 'admin' from your messages. If 'ADM_InMSG' is enabled)
+ Cage System! (Hold player in Cage) (Hight Security)
+ Gps System (City and Meters Distance) Find player meters from you! (In TextDraw and Radar CheckPoint)
+ Professional Spectating System (With TextDraw)
+ Many Lists - Wanteds, Muteds, Miniguns, Richs, Jaileds,...
+ Visible/Invisible System!
+ Anti Advertisements System (Ips, Links, ...) (+Warnings, +Easy to Enable/Disable in 'Config.cfg' file)
+ Only one TextDraw! (For Gps System and Spectating System)
+ When AdminScript is Started, Show All Configurations in Console!
+ Advanced VIP System! (When Account Types: Silver, Gold and Premium) (+Functions)
+ Execute Commands (Run any command! (From FS and your GM) (+Dialog,+Key,+Cmd)
+ Fighting Styles (In Dialog) (+Current Style)
+ Second Rcon System (Two RCON Passwords for more Security!) (Simple disable and config in top of script) (No Bugs!)
+ Safety Question + Response (For case you forgot your password) (+Response in Whirpool Hash - Impossible to hack)
+ VIP Players List, and VIP Players Chat! (*)
+ Duty System - Administrators now can enter in "Duty" or "Playing" Mode!
+ Flying Camera System (CamHack) (Only for Administradors) (Simple to disable in top of script)
+ Announcements System! (+In TextDraw) (+Enable/Disable in Dialog) (+Simple to Config Announces in FS) (+Enable/Diable in 'Config' File!)
+ Admins MultColors in /admins Command! (Only if you change the colors in top of script)
+ Register & Login Commands with Dialog (Even if "MustLogin" and "MustRegister" is disabled)
+ Countdown System - With Seconds and Freeze or Unfreeze players!
+ Private Message (PM) (Simple disable in top of Script)
And many other functions!...
Some Screens and Basic explanation:
Administration System per Level and Position
Level 1: Basic Moderator
Level 2: Moderator
Level 3:Master Moderator
Level 4: Administrator
Level 5: Master Administrator
Level 5: Rcon Administrator
Gps System (I Tested with Npc)
Spec System
See more in log category!...
Level 1: Basic Moderator
Player: getinfo, weaps, ping, ip,
Vehicle: fix, repair, addnos, tcar
Tele: saveplacae, gotoplace
Adm: onduty, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin, setmytime, adminarea
Other: lconfig, viplist, morning, reports, richlist, miniguns
Level 2: Moderator
+ Level 1 commands.
Player: giveweapon, setcolour, burn, spawn, disarm, highlight, jetpack, flip, fu
Player: warn, slap, (un)mute, laston, lspec, lspecoff
Vehicle: acar, abike, aheli, aboat, aplane, lspecvehicle
Tele: goto, vgoto, lgoto
Adm: lmenu, clearchat, write, announce, announce2, screen, (un)lockcar
Other: wanted, jailed, frozen, muted, fstyles
Level 3: Master Moderator
+ Level 1 and 2 commands.
Set: set(health/armour/cash/score/skin/wanted/name/weather/time/world/interior/ping/gravity)
All: setallskin, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld
All: setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, clearallchat, healall, disablechat
Player: ubound, duel, akill, aka, caps,(un)freeze, kick, explode,(un)jail, force, eject, (s)removecash
Vehicle: car, carhealth, carcolour, destroycar, vget, givecar
Tele: teleplayer, gethere, get, move, moveplayer
Other: gps, lcam, setpass, lammo, countdown, aweaps, invisible, visible
Level 4: Administrator
+ Level 1,2 and 3 commands.
All: spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall
All: kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall
Player: cage, ban, rban, tempban, settemplevel, crash
Adm: ctele, lockserver, enable, disable, spam, god, godcar, botcheck, forbidname, forbidword, fakedeath
Other: uconfig, die, hide, unhide
Level 5: Master Administrator
+ Level 1,2,3 and 4 commands.
+ Level 5 is Immune for all commands
Player: setlevel, fakechat, fakedeath, fakecmd
Adm: god, sgod, console
Other: pickup, object, respawncars
Rcon: lrcon (Only Rcon Admins) (Use: /rcon lrcon)
And some more!...
Version 1.6:
•Added Safety Question + Response(For case you forgot your password) (+Response in Whirpool Hash - Impossible to hack)
•Fixed 'TwoRcon' System (Some Bugs)!
•Added VIPList Command (Show all online VIP players)
•Added "Duty Mode" - Administrators now can enter in "Duty" or "Playing" Mode!
•Fixed Spectating System small bug
•Added Flying Cam System (CamHack) (Only for Administradors) (Simple to disable in top of script)
•Announcements System! (+In TextDraw) (+Enable/Disable in Dialog) (+Simple to Config Announces in FS) (+Enable/Diable in Config File!)
•Added Function to change the Administrators colors (In command /admins) (Change in configuration, top of script)
•Fixed VIP Function small Bug! (+
•Added dialog in "Register" & "Login" command! (Even if "MustLogin" and "MustRegister" is disabled)!
•Safety question is optional, if you forget the password the first time, you can use your answer as the password!
•Fixed "Enable/Disable" command Bugs!
•Update in Countdown Command - Added Seconds and Freeze or Unfreeze players!
•Added VIP Chat! (Use '*' to talk in VIP chat - only if you is VIP Player) (Ex: *hi)
•Fixed "/setvip' command small Bug!
•Fixed Conflicts between the GPS and Spectator Systems!
•Fixed Dialogs Conflicts with other scripts!
•Added Private Message (PM) System (+Send Message in Dialog) (+Comatible with Admin Commands (Ex: Mute) (+Simple to disable in script top)
Version 1.5:
•Added Show All AdmScript Configuration in Console!
•Added VIP System (With three Account Types) - Silver, Gold and Premium!
•Added New Functions in ladmin.inc - IsPlayerVipMember and IsPlayerVipType (See more in "How To Use")
•Added System to simple change account commands (Login,Register and Changepass, in top of Script!
•Added Execute Command Dialog (Run any command of FS,GM,... ) (Per Cmd: /execcmd or using Keys (Simple disable in Top)!
•Added Fighting Styles (In Dialog)
•Added Second Rcon System (Two RCON Passwords for more Security!) (Simple disable and config in top of script)
•Fixed SetLevel command Bug! (MaxLevel)
•Added System to easy change account Commands (Ex: register, login)
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
Aloushi - 06.09.2012
good one
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
Pro_Drifter - 06.09.2012
Ty a lot
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
xristos21 - 28.09.2012
:clucker FUCKING this gamemode is stolen
THIS is my gamemode
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/a96a52f740/ and is really really good gamemode
Respuesta: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
Sam Read - 28.09.2012
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
nikos1 - 03.12.2012
good job vasili
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
DowDaw - 03.12.2012
good job , awesome
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
blackman28 - 03.12.2012
i dont now what is so cool overhere i mean just that evrything is wrong al the teleports are sending you to a drift map or something like that its not cool (dont be angry on me i just said what i must said)
sorry for bad english (i am romanien)
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
sam1929 - 21.11.2013
Originally Posted by xristos21
stolen you say if its stolen then how come you have never report it because its still up if it was stolen as you say and you had report it to the Admins and Mods it would have been taking down some time ago think about it
Re: ..Greek/Eng Ultimate Stuntages -
Arastair - 05.01.2015
Good job mate