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#emit - Printable Version

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#emit - rVar - 06.09.2012

// delete

Re: #emit - leonardo1434 - 06.09.2012

pawn Code:
I decided to start a topic for discussing this PAWN element, this is partially a tutorial but it's not actually designed to tell you exactly how to use it. There has been a slow, self-reinforcing, increase in the development of code using "#emit", so this topic is to collect together some of the developments already found and discuss future ones. Further to the disclaimer above:
If you are writing a gamemode you probably don'
t need this.
If you are writing a filterscript you probably don't need this.
If you are writing a library you probably don'
t need this.
If you are looking to optimise your mode this is not the way to go.

and take a look at this post.

Re: #emit - JoBullet - 08.09.2012

use load.s.pri instead of const.pri (same thing with ALT)