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Interior HELP - Printable Version

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Interior HELP - necrobg3 - 04.09.2012

Hey guys. I saw custom interiors in some servers. They said it isn't hard to make one. I was wondering can anyone help me to create one custom interior?

Re: Interior HELP - necrobg3 - 04.09.2012

Hello? Can anyone just tell me the way i will try on my own.

Re: Interior HELP - zT KiNgKoNg - 04.09.2012

dont bump topics

Re: Interior HELP - necrobg3 - 04.09.2012

Eh well nobody help's. Nice.

Re: Interior HELP - MarinacMrcina - 04.09.2012

Use MTA to map your interiors and then put the map in your server,the tutorial section is your friend!

Re: Interior HELP - Yiin - 04.09.2012

use MTA map editor?

EDIT: too late..

Re: Interior HELP - necrobg3 - 04.09.2012

I already mapped one but i don't know how to make the entrance ( system to enter ) i mean like /enter.

Re: Interior HELP - ThePhenix - 04.09.2012

The entrances?
They are for default.

Re: Interior HELP - necrobg3 - 04.09.2012

I want to create custom entrance with icon or something when im in range of the icon to type /enter and get into it.

The problem with the default entrance is i've got that in my gamemode, but i need to keep it becouse of other things.
pawn Код:
DisableInteriorEnterExits( );

Re: Interior HELP - mamorunl - 04.09.2012

Create an icon or just a door. When a player types /enter (OnPlayerCommandText) check his PlayerToPoint (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint it is now I believe) and if it is less than specified (so the function returns true) then teleport them to your custom interior.