Multiple Network Connections -
Ash. - 30.08.2012
Good Morning.
Recently I've bought myself a new laptop dock, which connects all external peripherals to my laptop without plugging them all in individually. With this in mind, I've added an Ethernet cable connection to my router. Whenever my laptop is docked, it has two network connections - WiFi and Ethernet. Whenever I have two network connections (whether using my dock or not) I will get random timeouts through SA-MP, as if it's changing what connection it's using or something.
The only way to rectify this is to either disable my WiFi card or disconnect the Ethernet cable, which normally messes up radio streams and other things as they pick one connection and stick to it, if it's the one I'm disabling then it disconnects the stream (just an example).
Has anyone else had this issue?
Re: Multiple Network Connections -
Ash. - 30.08.2012
Originally Posted by Xentiarox
you are using your wifi, loosing signal, windows connects using the ethernet, sees your WiFi network is in range - reconnects again, change your adapter priority and make lan #1 and WiFi #2
Firstly, if my WiFi lost signal from being about 3 feet away from the router, I'd be contacting the manufacturer, not SA-MP forums, secondly - my system supports simultaneous network connections (both LAN and WiFi operate at the same time), and thirdly - to prove a point, I've had many things running simultaneously through both connections at the
same time.
Proof of simultaneous and active connections:
(Ignore the duration of my LAN connection, I just docked to prove this haha)
Take note of the duration of my Wireless Network Connection - proof that it doesn't disconnect)
Re: Multiple Network Connections -
Ash. - 30.08.2012
Originally Posted by Xentiarox
you could try the commando
ping <ip of router> -t
and when you notice it timeouts while your sa-mp timeouts too, then it's a issue with your configuration, else it's sa-mp.
It works with everything else though. For example, I'll be listening to an internet radio ( - which is a stream, so a network connection will be constantly being used. If it's chosen LAN as it's connection, if I unplug it - the stream stops, which is natural and perfectly fine. I have never had ANY problems with doing that, and I do it regularly for long periods of time.
Re: Multiple Network Connections -
Ash. - 30.08.2012
Here you go: I even loaded BBC Radio 1xtra (CONSTANT RADIO STREAM) up to prove a point:
I have an extended desktop, hence why SA is next to the command line console and 1xtra window.
Re: Multiple Network Connections -
Ash. - 30.08.2012
Originally Posted by Xentiarox
Yep then it's a sa-mp/Raknet bug.
I already knew it was SA-MP/RakNet, my point is what can be done about it?! It's extremely irritating!
Re: Multiple Network Connections -
Ash. - 30.08.2012
Sounds useful, thanks for this. Would be nice to see an official fix for this though!