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Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Printable Version

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Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Strech - 29.08.2012

I have this forward in my GM
forward EndLotto(second);
and i get this error

error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Akira297 - 29.08.2012

Can we see the line using,

[ pawn ] [ /pawn ] ?

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Strech - 29.08.2012

pawn Код:
forward EndLotto(second);
The forward is the actual line.

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Misiur - 29.08.2012

Show few lines more in both directions.

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Strech - 29.08.2012

pawn Код:
public EndLotto(second)
    new string[128];
    if(second != 0)
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Lottery News Countdown: %d.", second);
        OOCOff(COLOR_WHITE, string);
        SetTimerEx("EndLotto", 1000, 0, "d", second-1);
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Lottery News: We have started the Lottery Election.");
        OOCOff(COLOR_WHITE, string);
        new rand = random(99);
        if(rand < 77) { rand += 3; }
        LottoStarted = 0;
    return 1;
Thats the Public,it might halp.

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Misiur - 29.08.2012

Come back when you learn to read, m'kay? The problem lies probably somewhere before forward line

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Strech - 29.08.2012

pawn Код:
/* Forwards (TODO: Convert to Naked or Move right above function.) */
Thats on the upper part of EndLotto.And thats Under it
pawn Код:
forward PrepareLotto();
In One
pawn Код:
/* Forwards (TODO: Convert to Naked or Move right above function.) */
forward EndLotto(second);
forward PrepareLotto();

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Misiur - 29.08.2012

We need to go higher.

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Strech - 29.08.2012

pawn Код:
#define COLOR_SHOP 0xE7E784FF
#define ResetMoneyBar ResetPlayerMoney
#define UpdateMoneyBar GivePlayerMoney

// strcpy - Simon / ******
#define strcpy(%0,%1,%2) \
    strcat((%0[0] = '\0', %0), %1, %2)

#define SendFormattedMessage(%0,%1,%2) do{new _str[128]; format(_str,128,%2); SendClientMessageEx(%0,%1,_str);}while(FALSE)

/* Forwards (TODO: Convert to Naked or Move right above function.) */
forward EndLotto(second);
forward PrepareLotto();
Thats a bit higher.

Re: Forward error[Urgent REP+] - Misiur - 29.08.2012

Ok, I was wrong, defines can't cause this. If you comment that line, does the error occur on PrepareLotto line instead?