pawn Код:
{0, "/admins", "Displays all online admins"},
{0, "/assist", "Call for assistance to repair/refuel your vehicle"},
{0, "/bank", "Register/login/manage your bank account"},
{0, "/MiniGames", "See What Mini Games U can Play With Ur Mates"},
{0, "/busmenu", "Displays the menu for controlling your business"},
{0, "/buybus", "Buy a business (you must be in range of a business)"},
{0, "/buyhouse", "Buy a house (you must be in range of a house"},
{0, "/plate <NumberPlate>", "Changes the plate on your vehicle"},
{0, "/engine <EngineStatus (0/1)>", "Toggle engine-status on or off"},
{0, "/caroption", "Changes some options for your vehicle"},
{0, "/changepassword", "Allows the player to change his login password"},
{0, "/cmds", "Displays all the commands"},
{0, "/color1", "Changes the primary color of your vehicle"},
{0, "/color2", "Changes the secundary color of your vehicle"},
{0, "/convoy", "Lets you start or join a convoy"},
{0, "/convoycancel", "Cancels the convoy you're in"},
{0, "/convoykick <OtherPlayerID>", "Kicks a member from the convoy"},
{0, "/convoyleave", "You leave the convoy"},
{0, "/convoymembers", "Displays all convoy members"},
{0, "/detach", "Detaches your trailer"},
{0, "/enter", "Enter your business or house"},
{0, "/flip", "Flips your vehicle back onto it's wheels"},
{0, "/getcar", "Teleports a house-car to your location"},
{0, "/givecash <OtherPlayer> <Money>", "Give money to another player"},
{0, "/gobus", "Teleport to a business you own"},
{0, "/gohome", "Teleport to a house you own"},
{0, "/help", "Get help information about a specific topic"},
{0, "/housemenu", "Displays the menu for controlling your house"},
{0, "/kill", "Kill yourself"},
{0, "/me <action>", "Just a silly command to repeat your text"},
{0, "/overload", "Lets a trucker to overload his vehicle"},
{0, "/paint <paintjobid (0-2)>", "Apply a paintjob to a vehicle you own"},
{0, "/park", "Park your vehicle where it's standing now"},
{0, "/pm <otherplayerid> <message>", "Send a private message to another player"},
{0, "/reclass", "Choose another class"},
{0, "/rentcar", "Rent a car from a cardealer"},
{0, "/report <OtherPlayer> <Your report>", "Report a player for breaking the rules"},
{0, "/rescue", "Teleports you to a location where your class starts"},
{0, "/rules", "Display the rules and get a small gift (only once)"},
{0, "/say <message>", "Say something to players that have same class as you"},
{0, "/spike", "Creates a spikestrip (can only be used by cops)"},
{0, "/stats", "Displays statistics about yourself"},
{0, "/stopwork", "Ends the current job"},
{0, "/unclamp", "Allows a player to un-clamp his vehicles for a price"},
{0, "/work or /w", "Starts a job"},
{1, "/asay <message>", "Admin-chat (this allows admins to chat privately)"},
{1, "/announce Text", "This Cmd Is used for Annoucning Some thing And All Players Will See"},
{1, "/bike", "Spawns a bike of your choice"},
{1, "/ban <PlayerToBan> <Days> <Hours> <Reason>", "Ban a player for a certain time"},
{1, "/boat", "Spawns a boat of your choice"},
{1, "/car", "Spawns a car of your choice"},
{1, "/endspec", "Stop spectating a player"},
{1, "/freeze <OtherPlayer> <Duration> <Reason>", "Freeze a player for a certain time in seconds"},
{1, "/fuel", "Refuels your vehicle for free"},
{1, "/get <OtherPlayer>", "Teleports another player to your location"},
{1, "/jail <PlayerToJail> <JailTime> <Reason>", "Jails another player for a certain time in seconds"},
{1, "/kick <PlayerToKick> <Reason>", "Kick a player"},
{1, "/mute <OtherPlayer> <Reason>", "Mute a player"},
{1, "/mutes", "Display muted players"},
{1, "/nos", "Adds nitro to your vehicle"},
{1, "/healall", "Heals all the players"},
{1, "/repairall", "Repair all vehicles for free"},
{1, "/plane", "Spawns a plane of your choice"},
{1, "/port <OtherPlayer>", "Teleport yourself to another player"},
{1, "/portloc <x> <y> <z>", "Teleport yourself to the given coordinates"},
{1, "/portvehicle <CarID>", "Teleport yourself to a vehicle"},
{1, "/rep", "Show the last 50 reports in a dialog"},
{1, "/repair", "Repairs your vehicle for free"},
{1, "/respawn <Vehicle-id>", "Forces a vehicle to respawn"},
{1, "/spec <OtherPlayer>", "Spectate a player"},
{1, "/tele <PlayerToPort> <TargetPlayer>", "Teleport a player to another player"},
{1, "/trailer", "Spawns a trailer of your choice"},
{1, "/unmute <OtherPlayer>", "Un-mutes a player"},
{1, "/ban <PlayerToBan> <Days> <Hours> <Reason>", "Ban a player for a certain time"},
{1, "/warn <PlayerToWarn> <Reason>", "Warn a player, up to three times"},
{1, "/createbusiness", "Create a business at your location"},
{1, "/createcamera <max_speed>", "Create s speedcamera at your location"},
{1, "/delbusiness", "Delete a business"},
{1, "/delcamera", "Delete a speedcamera"},
{2, "/eject <OtherPlayer>", "Ejects a player from his vehicle"},
{2, "/wanted <PlayerID> <Stars>", "Set a player's wanted level"},
{3, "/cleanupcars", "Removes all spawned vehicles from the map"},
{3, "/fly", "Equips yourself with a jetpack"},
{3, "/ipban <PlayerToBan> <Reason>", "Ban a player's IP"},
{3, "/loc", "Display your current location"},
{3, "/rangeban <PlayerToBan> <Reason>", "Ban a player's entire IP-range"},
{3, "/setscore <OtherPlayer> <Score>", "Sets another player's score to the given value"},
{3, "/unban <PlayerToUnban>", "Unban a player"},
{4, "/cash <amount>", "Give cash to yourself"},
{4, "/score <amount>", "Give scorepoints to yourself"},
{4, "/setskin <skin-id (0-299)>", "Lets an admin choose another skin"},
{4, "/weather", "Changes the weather"},
{5, "/clamp <vehicleid> <reason>", "Delete a player-owned vehicle"},
{5, "/createhouse <price> <maxlevel (1-10)>", "Create a new house"},
{5, "/delhouse", "Delete a house"},
{5, "/delobject <ObjectID>", "Deletes an object"},
{5, "/delvehicle <VehicleID>", "Deletes a vehicle"},
{5, "/fixplayer <OtherPlayer>", "Fix a player's property (re-add his houses and buinesses)"},
{5, "/object <ObjectModel> <x> <y> <z> <Angle>", "Create an object"},
{5, "/pickup <PickupModel> <x> <y> <z> <PickupType>", "Create a pickup"},
{5, "/resetplayer <OtherPlayer> <Money (0/1)> <Score (0/1)> <Stats (0/1)> <Reason>", "Reset a player's money, score, stats"},
{5, "/restart", "Restarts the server in 2 minutes"},
{5, "/saveloc <ID> <LocationName>", "Saves your location to a file"},
{5, "/setlevel <OtherPlayer> <AdminLevel>", "Changes a player's admin-level"},
{5, "/vehicle <VehicleModel> <x> <y> <z> <Angle> <SpawnDelay>", "Create a vehicle"}
{5, "/evect" "To Delete A Player Owned House/Business"},
Here is The Errors I Had A Copy Of The Official One Before I edited it And i Put This Line Agane And I got this error