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[REQUEST] BAND FS - Printable Version

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[REQUEST] BAND FS - Sig Hansen - 23.08.2012

Hello Dear SAMP Players! Sorry If This Is A Wrong Sections..

Anyway i need a scripter Who can script for me this; Like New Job ROCK BAND Only For Admins so it cant be abused..
Like Admins Get in band They Go To Some Place And Start Playing By Command /band [Song] Example /band AC/DC HighWay To Hell
And then it plays the song and a cool anim with could go with it, And OFC some Anims for Quitar and Base Quitar AND Drums with photos. Please Make It And You Will Get 5$ Thank You. Thats All

More info:

3Admins want to join band they do /joinband
then do /band Highway to hell and it plays that music with the istruments Quitar, Base Quiatr and drums and ofc with anims and photos.

Thats My Great Idea i really hope you can make it.

<3 YOU!

Also if you can doo: Also Make /see band Which will get you in spec position ... And Some Objects also , And A Whole Stage xD
And Also make some cmd so that some people can ask us for the band and make a band if we accept
Thank You!

Some Music TO add; Whole AC/DC Album and More Rock And Roll [Dont heavy matel] Only Rock And Roll And Music From Burce Springsteen and Beatels... Etc Like Old Bands Near 80s

Re: [REQUEST] BAND FS - Akira297 - 23.08.2012

Wrong Section :

Correct Area To Request Scripting Requests.