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[Tutorial] How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - Printable Version

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How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - Akira297 - 21.08.2012

Making A Server Tutorial.
(* Hopefully Useful *)

Previous Location : Never Was Moved

Everyone love's servers and playing on them. I love playing and working on them myself. Sometimes though we want to make our own.
Then, sometimes you don't know how to exactly make a server for yourself.
Well, inside this tutorial I will be teaching you/informing you on how to make one and get it running aswell!
STEP 1: Alrighty, the first thing you're going to need.

Download This File (*Windows Server*) :
Download This File (* Linux Server*) :
(Provided By SA:MP)

Once those are downloaded. Select a area to extract them on. Once extracted feel free to look around.
Alrighty, something I recommend doing,
(* Linux Server People * ) : Take the pawno file from Windows Server and Move it into your Linux Server.

STEP 2: When you click on server.exe or basically the .bat file. It shall load up informing you have nothing or you haven't changed the rcon password.
What you need to do is to click onto the server.cfg and look for rcon_password {insert password}.
If you click that and want to have fun with some friends and they can't connect make sure you're port forwarding.

Site :
(* Credits for Port Checker : *);
Once you have that site open and you check the default port 7777, and it is open your friends should be able to connect to the server. If your port isn't open you need to login into your router.

Site :
(* Seems Long, Legit *)
Those will be common routers for you to login into. Once you're port forwarding your friends should be able to connect. If they still can't connect. Please double check to see if you have a Dynamic or Static IP Address.

( Have no help/tutoral for people with Dynamic. ~ I always had Static. )

STEP 3: Commonly, people must have plugins for there servers. Well, i'm to nice to make go and spend time looking for them. Here is the list of COMMONLY used plugins from servers.

Streamer Plugin Thread :
Streamer Direct Download : http://code.******.com/p/samp-stream...q=label%3A0.3e
(*Contains Windows Plugin and Linux Plugin *)
(* Credits Belong To, Incognito *)

sscanf Plugin Thread :
sscanf Direct Download :
(*Contains Windows Plugin and Linux Plugin *)
(* Credits Belong To, ****** *)

Audio Plugin Thread :
Audio Direct Download :
(* Contains Windows Plugin and Linux Plugin *)
(*Credits Belong To, Incognito *)

The following are recommended and highly common for any Game-Mode that is there to download.

STEP 4: Game-Modes is where the server becomes what it is. That is honestly where it comes together.

Game Mode Catalog :
(* Credits Belong To Owner's Of Game Modes *)

Recommending for beginners look at Raven's Roleplay 0.3e.
Raven Roleplay 03e :
(* If one needs to be converted inform me ASAP. *)

STEP 5: Includes is something that comes with common plugins or just themselves the common include i've seen would be

<ZCMD> Thread Link :
<foreach> Thread Link :

Not really much detail to put onto the includes there all unique.

STEP 6: You would have noticed something inside FilterScripts. They are simple scripts that apply themselves to the GameMode or there own unique way. They're commonly used for the game-mode.

Filter-Script Database :
(*Credits To Owners/Makers*)

STEP 7: Finishing Observation.

Make sure the default or infront of the game-mode is correct here is mine,

#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>
#include <a_zones>
#include <foreach>
#include <yom_buttons>
#include <djson>
#include <progress>
#include <YSI\y_timers>
#include <ZCMD>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <foreach>
#include <audio>

================================================== =============

When you re-load the server.exe or basically the .bat file. The server should fully open correctly, if you receive any errors.
Feel free to contact me on the forums or browse around on the forums. The server.log or your server should load up reading.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[21:38:27] Server Plugins
[21:38:27] --------------
[21:38:27]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[21:38:27]   Loaded.
[21:38:27]  Loading plugin:

[21:38:27]  ===============================

[21:38:27]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[21:38:27]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[21:38:27]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[21:38:27]  ===============================

[21:38:27]   Loaded.
[21:38:27]  Loading plugin:

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[21:38:27]   Loaded.
[21:38:27]  Loading plugin:
[21:38:27]   Loaded.
[21:38:27]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[21:38:27] Ban list
[21:38:27] --------
[21:38:27]  Loaded: samp.ban
[21:38:27] Filterscripts
[21:38:27] ---------------
[21:38:27]   Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[21:38:27]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[21:38:27]   Loading filterscript 'gcustom.amx'...
[21:38:27]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.

[21:38:27]  ======================================= 
[21:38:27]  |                                     | 
[21:38:27]  |        YSI version 1.03.0011        | 
[21:38:27]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[21:38:27]  |                                     | 
[21:38:27]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[21:38:27]  |                                     | 
[21:38:27]  =======================================
Forgot Something Please Private Message Me!

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - [EuG]ZeRoGoD - 21.08.2012

pretty nice tut xD

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - Arca - 21.08.2012

Too much tutorial about the same thing. Nevertheless, good work.

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - new121 - 22.08.2012

I wouldn't advise using ravens role play if you are a new to scripting. It is very buggy. Its saving system is slow and out dated and will need to be redone with something faster if you plan to ever run a server with more then 30 players. But good job on the tutorial other then that.

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - N0FeaR - 23.08.2012

Good tutorial, useful for newbies.

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 23.08.2012

There are shitload of tutorials about the same topic; however this looks explained better.

Useful I guess, good work.

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - Vince - 23.08.2012

Originally Posted by Arca
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Too much tutorial about the same thing. Nevertheless, good work.
Originally Posted by new121
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I wouldn't advise using ravens role play if you are a new to scripting. It is very buggy. Its saving system is slow and out dated and will need to be redone with something faster if you plan to ever run a server with more then 30 players. But good job on the tutorial other then that.
Agreed on both points above. Raven's is a generally shitty script. You advise using ZCMD, sscanf, foreach; yet none of these is used in this rubbish scripts.

Also, the server is not a .bat file! It is a standalone console application, hence the extension .exe. You must never assume that every black window with text in it is a batch file! A batch file can be edited with notepad, a compiled application cannot.

Re: How To Make A Server [Was Supposed To Get Moved] - Cena44 - 25.08.2012

good job, pretty helpful