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Pickup pickupable with vehicle? - Printable Version

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Pickup pickupable with vehicle? - ValentinLaw - 19.08.2012

So I have this command:

nos = CreatePickup(1018, 14, 4596.5996,-3723.7300,12.0558, -1);


14 = Pickupable, but only when in a vehicle.

But when I use this on a custom made map it falls [B}THROUGH[/b] the map :/

I want it to be always there pickupable by everyone INSIDE a vehicle, and the pickup doesn't respawn.

Any help ?

Re: Pickup pickupable with vehicle? - avivelkayam - 19.08.2012


if i understand you, you want the pickup dont respawn after you take him
you can do it in OnPlayerPickupPickup

and if you want that the pickup can puckable only in vehicle you can use

nos = CreatePickup(1018, 1, 4596.5996,-3723.7300,12.0558, -1);
OnPlayerPickupPickup(playerid, pickupid)
       if(pickupid == nos && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))
            // Whats the pickup do

Re: Pickup pickupable with vehicle? - ValentinLaw - 19.08.2012

I tested the code you stated yet it didn't work...
Any other possibilities?