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[HELP] Sort scoreboard by score! - Printable Version

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[HELP] Sort scoreboard by score! - anito - 19.08.2012

Hello. How can i sort scoreboard by score. For example, player with highest score is first and etc.

I tried this but i dont know how to use it!

Re: [HELP] Sort scoreboard by score! - avivelkayam - 19.08.2012

if i understand you, tou want to check the player who has the biggest score:

i'l build for you stock

stock GetHighestScore()
    new score,player;
    for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) if(GetPlayerScore(i) > score) score  = GetPlayerScore(i),player = i;
    return player;
and if you want to check the player with the highest score:

new highscoreplayer = GetHighestScore();
and in the highscoreplayer it has the id of the player with the highest score..