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Can anyone give me.. - Printable Version

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Can anyone give me.. - xSiiLenTx - 16.08.2012

A REAL BASIC 0.3e RP Script? I want to script on my own

Re: Can anyone give me.. - Avi57 - 16.08.2012

Here you go : Roleplay Script - Lets Get started
If Helped, Rep Me !

Re: Can anyone give me.. - Weaselpwns - 16.08.2012

This one is better tough This one is COMPLETELY basic and the one above has a tutorial yet etc.
REP me if i helped

Re: Can anyone give me.. - xSiiLenTx - 16.08.2012

For that, I'm NOT +rep'ing you

Re: Can anyone give me.. - Devilxz97 - 16.08.2012

Originally Posted by Avi57
Посмотреть сообщение
Here you go : Roleplay Script - Lets Get started
If Helped, Rep Me !
dont ask for Rep.
They will give you if they want. not to ask them to give you Rep.