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/enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - Printable Version

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/enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - TaLhA XIV - 15.08.2012

I am working on a house system,just wanted to ask that if a player do /enterhouse,how can I spawn people in deiffrent virtual worlds.

Re: /enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - Kindred - 15.08.2012

Re: /enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - TaLhA XIV - 15.08.2012

You did not read my post carefully,I want ppl to spawn in random virtual world but not the same.

Re: /enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - SaYrOn - 15.08.2012

You want people to enter the same house, but to get into different virtual worlds?

Re: /enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - TaLhA XIV - 15.08.2012

yes you got it.

Re: /enterhouse.((virtualworld)) - SaYrOn - 15.08.2012

Oh, well, thats weird, but okay. You can just assign his virtual world to his playerid: