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UpdateVehicleDamageStatus - Printable Version

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UpdateVehicleDamageStatus - krolax - 15.08.2012


I want to crash vehicle, on respawn after explode. But i dont know what i must put into '??'

vehicleVariables[vehicleid][vVehicleHP] = 250;
vehicleVariables[vehicleid][vVehiclePanels] = ???;
vehicleVariables[vehicleid][vVehicleDoors] = ???;
vehicleVariables[vehicleid][vVehicleLights] = ???;
vehicleVariables[vehicleid][vVehicleTires] = 15;
Can somebody help me?

Re: UpdateVehicleDamageStatus - Virtual1ty - 15.08.2012

When in doubt, always consult the SA-MP Wiki first, it has all the information you need.
Take those functions made by JernejL and fiddle around with encode_panels() and similar functions.