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Looking for a filterscript - Printable Version

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Looking for a filterscript - andrew2695 - 14.08.2012

Hello, I'm looking for a filterscript I saw a couple days ago there was a video. It was in the area 51 and when the player entered the zone they were getting shots by object and explosion like an automatic zone protection. Anyone seen this or something similar? I did the 23 first pages and didnt find it.

Re: Looking for a filterscript - Abhishek. - 14.08.2012

well make it your self firsts get the area of of the un autherised zone(area 51)(like you take of any gangzone) and then set a timer to check wheather the player has entered the zone and if he does
then simple getplayerpos and CreateExplosion or a call back like this

Re : Re: Looking for a filterscript - andrew2695 - 15.08.2012

Originally Posted by [bot]fatninja
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well make it your self firsts get the area of of the un autherised zone(area 51)(like you take of any gangzone) and then set a timer to check wheather the player has entered the zone and if he does
then simple getplayerpos and CreateExplosion or a call back like this
Thats not what I am looking for.

Re: Looking for a filterscript - Kindred - 15.08.2012

If you saw it a few days ago, it's likely to still be on the first couple of pages 1-6.

Just look through those. Unless of course for some reason you went on ****** and found it, in that case do it again.

EDIT: Plus, take a look through your history, that's the easiest way if you can't find something.