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Scripting help. - Tamara - 13.08.2012

Hello SA-MP scripters,
I am here to ask you if someone could make a easy and detailed tutorial about scripting Factions and things such as gangs.


Re: Scripting help. - Kindred - 14.08.2012

A faction is just a variable. Create variables and save/load them.
Such as Faction[MAX_PLAYERS] and Rank[MAX_PLAYERS], and maybe even Division[MAX_PLAYERS].

Re : Scripting help. - Sandiel - 14.08.2012

Or you can use Enumations.

pawn Код:
enum pInfo

new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];

Re: Scripting help. - Kindred - 14.08.2012

^ Then you can use if statements or switches to determine whether they are or are not in a faction.

Like so:

pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] == 6) //Lets say faction 1 is LSPD and they are leader (rank 6)
    //What happens if they are in the LSPD
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are not in that faction!");


    case 1: //LSPD
        //Do something here if they are LSPD
    case 2: //Faction 2
        //Do something here if they are in faction 2

Re: Scripting help. - StrangeLove - 14.08.2012

Or you can look here

Re : Scripting help. - Sandiel - 14.08.2012

^ And then you can set their ranks.
pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = 1; // Change 1 to whatever rank you want.

Re: Scripting help. - Kindred - 14.08.2012

I made this specifically because of your question:

Re: Scripting help. - Tamara - 14.08.2012

Thanks all for your help. !