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ProxDetector problem - Printable Version

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ProxDetector problem - Shetch - 13.08.2012

I've made my ProxDetector, but whenever i type something, it shows up for myself, but it doesn't show up for others...

And whenever my friend types something, it shows up for me, but it doesnt for him...
help would be much appriciated..

stock SendLocalMessage(playerid, range, string[])
	new Float:proxX, Float:proxY, Float:proxZ;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, proxX, proxY, proxZ);
	for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
			if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/3)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_1, string);
				return 1;
			if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.9)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_2, string);
				return 1;
			if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.5)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_3, string);
				return 1;
			if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.2)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_4, string);
				return 1;
			if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_5, string);
				return 1;
	return 1;

Re: ProxDetector problem - MeDaKewlDude - 13.08.2012

the problem was it stopped the script( return 1; ) the first time it went through the loop.
pawn Код:
stock SendLocalMessage(playerid, range, string[])
    new Float:proxX, Float:proxY, Float:proxZ;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, proxX, proxY, proxZ);
    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/3)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_1, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.9)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_2, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.5)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_3, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.2)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_4, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_5, string);
    return 1;
that should work.

Re: ProxDetector problem - ddnbb - 13.08.2012

Does anyone know, if its possible to make: SendLocalMessage(playerid, range, string[], format) like SendLocalMessage(playerid, 20.0, "%s is stupid", playername(playerid)); ?

Re: ProxDetector problem - Shetch - 13.08.2012

Originally Posted by MeDaKewlDude
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the problem was it stopped the script( return 1; ) the first time it went through the loop.
pawn Код:
stock SendLocalMessage(playerid, range, string[])
    new Float:proxX, Float:proxY, Float:proxZ;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, proxX, proxY, proxZ);
    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/3)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_1, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.9)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_2, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.5)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_3, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range/1.2)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_4, string);
            else if(GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, proxX, proxY, proxZ) <= range)
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_FADE_5, string);
    return 1;
that should work.
Yep, worked, thanks!

Re: ProxDetector problem - MeDaKewlDude - 13.08.2012

Originally Posted by ddnbb
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Does anyone know, if its possible to make: SendLocalMessage(playerid, range, string[], format) like SendLocalMessage(playerid, 20.0, "%s is stupid", playername(playerid)); ?
pawn Код:
#if !defined FMsg
new stock FMsg[400];

#define SendLocalMessagef(%0,%1,%2) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %2), SendLocalMessage(%0,%1,FMsg)
Usage: SendLocalMessagef(playerid, 20.0, "%s is stupid", playername(playerid));

Re: ProxDetector problem - ddnbb - 13.08.2012

Originally Posted by MeDaKewlDude
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pawn Код:
#if !defined FMsg
new stock FMsg[400];

#define SendLocalMessagef(%0,%1,%2) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %2), SendLocalMessage(%0,%1,FMsg)
Usage: SendLocalMessagef(playerid, 20.0, "%s is stupid", playername(playerid));
Isn't [400] too much? How about without the range, can you give me that code? Thank you so much i have been looking this for long time.

Re: ProxDetector problem - MeDaKewlDude - 13.08.2012

no, there is no limit to array lengths. i have 400 because of longer strings, but i guess you could have it as something more like 200.
pawn Код:
#if !defined FMsg
new stock FMsg[200];

#define SendClientMessagef(%0,%1,%2) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %2), SendClientlMessage(%0,%1,FMsg)
#define SendClientMessageToAllf(%0,%1) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %1), SendClientlMessage(%0,FMsg)
theres SendClientMessagef and SendClientMessageToAllf if you want, i could give you the code that Sends a message to all if the playerid is -1, or you could just use SendClientMessageToAllf.

Re: ProxDetector problem - ddnbb - 13.08.2012

Originally Posted by MeDaKewlDude
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no, there is no limit to array lengths. i have 400 because of longer strings, but i guess you could have it as something more like 200.
pawn Код:
#if !defined FMsg
new stock FMsg[200];

#define SendClientMessagef(%0,%1,%2) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %2), SendClientlMessage(%0,%1,FMsg)
#define SendClientMessageToAllf(%0,%1) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %1), SendClientlMessage(%0,FMsg)
theres SendClientMessagef and SendClientMessageToAllf if you want, i could give you the code that Sends a message to all if the playerid is -1, or you could just use SendClientMessageToAllf.
I want it like this, but i get a warning:
pawn Код:
#if !defined FMsg
new stock FMsg[256];

#define SendLocalMessagef(%0,%1) format(FMsg, sizeof(FMsg), %1), SendLocalMessage(%0,FMsg)
Usage: stock SendLocalMessage(playerid, string[])