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[Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Printable Version

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[Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Speed++ - 11.08.2012


i have a question with sscanf... load data on mysql with sscanf:

i have found, this example:

pawn Код:
sscanf(resultline, "p<|>dd", PlayerInfo[playerid][level], PlayerInfo[playerid][adminlevel]);
the p<|> is the divisor... and i understand

but in this another example... no

this the code:

pawn Код:
sscanf(query, "e<p<|>s[24]s[17]iii>", ... ecc);
why e<p<|> ? .. who is the e<p ??

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - [DOG]irinel1996 - 11.08.2012

E means that you're loading data into an enum. Asigning it in enum variables.

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Speed++ - 11.08.2012

Originally Posted by irinel1996
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E means that you're loading data into an enum. Asigning it in enum variables.
yes i understand this.. but what is the e<p ?

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Speed++ - 11.08.2012


Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - [DOG]irinel1996 - 11.08.2012

e means that the variables where will be the data asigned are from an enum, nothing else. And the p is the same with or without e.
If you do that:
pawn Код:
enum Vars
    name[24], //string = s[24].
    age //integer = i
new example[MAX_PLAYERS][Vars];
Hope you understand..

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Ranama - 11.08.2012

p<|> means that sscanf will take out all | written in the text and split it up there, this is at least what I'm using it for.

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Speed++ - 11.08.2012

ok, i understand


Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Speed++ - 11.08.2012

another question for sscanf..

sscanf(query ,"e<p<|>{s[1]s[1]}dd>

why usage the { } , is used for ignore a variable ?

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - Speed++ - 11.08.2012

help ?

Re: [Info]: Load data with sscanf2 / on MySQL - [DOG]irinel1996 - 11.08.2012

It jumps over it, doesn't load it.
Let's suppose that in your MySQL table you have 3 fields:
-name (varchar)
-sex (varchar - let's suppose it'd be 10 big cells in the enum to understand sscanf)
-age (integer)

And in your GM your enum has just 2 variables. Name and age:
pawn Код:
enum Vars {
new data[MAX_PLAYERS][Vars];
sscanf(query,"e<p<|>s[24]{s[10]}i",data[playerid][name],data[playerid][age]); //it didn't load sex because we don't have variable to asign the value.
Best regards!