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.rec File extension - Printable Version

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.rec File extension - CoaPsyFactor - 09.08.2012

Hi there,

Is there anyway to READ .rec file for npc or

Thanks in advance

Re: .rec File extension - Jstylezzz - 09.08.2012

check some NPC tutorials..
the .recs are readed by the NPC script, which will use these recording when the NPC spawns.. - awesome thread, much explained.. check this one

Re: .rec File extension - CoaPsyFactor - 09.08.2012

thanks for this, but I need something that could help me to find out what does it write when I record npc

Re: .rec File extension - Shetch - 09.08.2012

It just writes a file called .rec

You can load the file and make the NPC do what it says.

Re: .rec File extension - playbox12 - 09.08.2012

You can probably read it with an HEX editor. I just don't see why you would want it. Theres also some information regarding NPC file format on the wiki And Mauzen did a lot of research on it.