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Need Help with speedo code - Printable Version

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Need Help with speedo code - Sascha - 06.08.2012

Alright guys,
I need some help with a code for a "moving speedo"... It's not about getting the speed or whatever, just adjusting the speedo display to the speed...

Short explaination:
The display doesn't show all numbers, just 0 10 20 30 40 50, etc.....
There are some spaces between the different numbers, to shadow the other values (without a number on the display though)...
The current speed should always be in the middle of the display, and with help of "spaces", the numbers on the display should move into the right position..

My current problem is simply, that I can't really think of a mathematical algorithm to get the display working...

So I'm asking here for some professional scripter (and good at maths) - who knows what he's talking about - who would like to help me...
I'm not offering any money or w/e, all I can offer you is my help for your problems later

So if you can support me, please reply and I'll send you a PM with my msn for a more detailed description....


Re: Need Help with speedo code - Jstylezzz - 06.08.2012

i got a working speedo here, i can help you with your mathwork