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Someone create those tables? - Printable Version

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Someone create those tables? - Lant - 03.08.2012


Re: Someone create those tables? - iGetty - 03.08.2012

Why don't you do it yourself? It's easy.

Re: Someone create those tables? - Vince - 03.08.2012

  1. If you downloaded this gamemode from the gamemode section then there should be an *.sql file somewhere that you can import.
  2. We cannot create the table structure from just update statements because we don't know what indexes the table has, if there are auto_increment fields and/or if there are foreign keys.
  3. If you stole this gamemode then I'm not going to help you.

Re: Someone create those tables? - Lant - 03.08.2012


Re: Someone create those tables? - iGetty - 03.08.2012

But as I said, why can't you create them yourself?...

If you created the GM, you should know how to create the SQL files better than us.


Re: Someone create those tables? - Lant - 03.08.2012


Re: Someone create those tables? - iGetty - 03.08.2012

Originally Posted by Lant
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Where the fuck did I SAY I CREATED THE GM?! I didnt create it, but I bought it.
Any need for the language?

Heading the right way for nobody to help you.

If you bought it, get the original file off the seller.

Edit: Note, I only said "if", read a bit better next time before shouting your mouth off, young one.

Re: Someone create those tables? - Lant - 03.08.2012


Re: Someone create those tables? - iGetty - 04.08.2012

Do it yourself then...

If nobody will do it, sort it yourself.


Re: Someone create those tables? - Steven82 - 04.08.2012

If you learn MySQL syntax, this is not even hard to do..the reason we aren't helping you is because if you bought the server and intend to run the server, you need to know how to script. And, spoon feeding people will get them no where.