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zGaming, scripting new commands request - Printable Version

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zGaming, scripting new commands request - BoomShnizel - 02.08.2012

Hey, i am using zGaming script (Credit to: iRage), and i wanted to add few commands, that i dont know how to:

/pveh [slot 1-2] (creating a vehicle that will be owned by a player)

/getpos (getting the chords you are on)

/gotopveh [slot 1-2] (going to player's vehicle

/getherepveh [slot 1-2] (Bringing to you a player's vehicle

/jetpack [player] (giving a player jetpack)

/stopspec (stop spectating, I didnt find a commands like this in zGaming's script)

/destroypveh [slot 1-2] (Destroying a player's vehicle)

and i think thats it, If you can help me with scripting them so they will fit to zGaming script i will be greatful!!! THANKS