Hey Guys i am Trying to make a work system that when player dose /w it starts the mission which is near the player and i did add a code that can starts but i get errors
StartedMission[playerid] = 1;
new rand = random(sizeof(DSLocations));
new string2[65], message[128];
SetPlayerFlightCheckpoint(playerid, DSLocations[rand][LocX],DSLocations[rand][LocY],DSLocations[rand][LocZ], 15.0);
format(string2, sizeof(string2), "%s", DSLocations[rand][LocationName]); //PASSWORD
strmid(FirstAPName[playerid], string2, 0, strlen(string2), 128); //PASSWORD
//FirstAPName[playerid] = ALocations[rand][LocationName];
//FirstAPName[playerid] = AndroDName;
format(message,sizeof(message), "Head to {FFF000}%s {FFFFFF}and pick up the passengers.", DSLocations[rand][LocationName]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, message);
MissionStage[playerid] = 1;
WantsRecording[playerid] = 1;
Pos1[playerid] = DSLocations[rand][LocX];
Pos2[playerid] = DSLocations[rand][LocY];
Pos3[playerid] = DSLocations[rand][LocZ];
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFF,"{FF0000}No Works in this Area Go To any Airport to start work");
But it gives me Error "error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero" i dont know how to fix it please help me.and is if( if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)will work for the system that i am trying to create?