Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 29.07.2012
Call of Duty - The Ultimate (V1.0)
Hey there guyz i just made a simple TDM script.The GM consists of five teams and those are USA,Germany,Iraq,Bangladesh and Russia.This was my first TDM script.I hate to release my game modes.But i decided to release.Hope i get a good feed back
This is a simple TDM script containing some commands with rank system
Commands of the server are :
/r - Radio Chat
/rank - Shows your current rank
/myteam - Shows your current team
/ranks - Shows the list of server ranks
/forum - Announces the forum site
/objective - Objectives of the server
/help - A normal help command
/kill - Kills the player
/rules - Rules of the server
/changeteam - Changes your team
.pwn File :
.amx File :
Class Selection System:
Bangladesh Base:
Germany Base:
Iraq Base:
USA Base:
Russia Base:
Reason for Release
I made this script for a community.Then they deleted it and used some other script.So i decided to release
Sincere thanks to :
Jarnu - For assisting me to make a team chat.
ZeeX - For Zcmd
Thanks for checking my GM
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
HyDrAtIc - 29.07.2012
Nice work!
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 29.07.2012
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Majed - 29.07.2012
Omg awesome GM for 1st try
You worked hard on it
But the problem I don't like TDM's Gm's >.>
I love stunts :P.
Anw nice try
P.S: What Admin system did you use there?
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
sansko - 29.07.2012
it looks familiar
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Ruben_pt - 29.07.2012
What? I've seen this one before! I've hosted the exactly gamemode a while ago, why are you claiming as yours? :b
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) - Glint - 29.07.2012
This is good for a first time release good job.
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 30.07.2012
This is mine.I did it from scratch.
And thx for a good feedback
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
[GF]Logic - 30.07.2012
No so good Will help me alot +Rep for effort and for important things i need to learn from it xD
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Kalroz - 30.07.2012
Good gamemode.
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
[BK]TrollKing - 30.07.2012
Nice script 9/10
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 30.07.2012
thx everyone
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Friend+ - 30.07.2012
Hi pravin, i added u rep+
u have 3 now.
if u need hoster i can host ur server.
if u can script for me?
i mean i will host this Gamemode.
but u can get up add more things in GM?
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 30.07.2012
add me in skype lets talk over there
Skype request sent
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
BMB1 - 30.07.2012
Cool from scratch eh nice im downloading it
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 30.07.2012
thx bmb
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Devilxz97 - 30.07.2012
nice for the first GM / released . .
keep it up..
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 30.07.2012
thx a lot
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
[MK]Man_Deep - 30.07.2012
Nice Work 9/10 Rep+
Re: Call of Duty - The Ultimate [V1.0] (My 1st Release) -
Pravin - 30.07.2012
you should have 50 posts to rep some one .. Btw thanks