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Comenzi pe nume -
adyi - 27.07.2012
R3 alz o intrebare am si eu cum fac unele comenzi pe nume de ex: /setadmin sa fie pe nume daca am numele adyi sa pot folosi aceea comanda . Am vazut pe un server si nuj cum s afca pls mult Ms
Re: Comenzi pe nume -
Hazliu - 21.07.2015
Ori dai edit si pui in engleza ca sa te ajute, ori copy-paste aici
P.S: Si eu caut.
Re: Comenzi pe nume -
Mariciuc223 - 21.07.2015
folosesti ZCMD si sscanf includes ...
You need to use ZCMD with sscanf includes ..
EDIT: A little exemple how to use that includes , a /id command
#include <a_samp>
#include <ZCMD>
#include <sscanf>
CMD:id(playerid, params[])
String[128], Reciver;
if(sscanf(params[], "u", Reciver)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /id [PlayerID/PartOfName]");
return 1;
GetPlayerName(Reciver, rName, sizeof(rName));
format(String, sizeof(String), "Player %s have ID %i !", pName, Reciver);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, String);
return 1;
sscanf :
sscanf(const data[], const [format], {Float,...});
// I'm not good at explanations but i can say const data it's on our case params[] - what you type before /id .. think you understand
// const format[] = Specifier -- See down there
// The last parameter it's in our case Reciver , if you use the specifier "u" that mean ID of player .. Hope you understand what i try to tell you there
Specifier(s) Name Example values
i, d Integer 1, 42, -10
c Character a, o, *
l Logical true, false
b Binary 01001, 0b1100
h, x Hex 1A, 0x23
o Octal 045 12
n Number 42, 0b010, 0xAC, 045
f Float 0.7, -99.5
g IEEE Float 0.7, -99.5, INFINITY, -INFINITY, NAN, NAN_E
u User name/id (bots and players) ******, 0
q Bot name/id ShopBot, 27
r Player name/id ******, 42