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How to make a 1 minute countdown - Printable Version

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How to make a 1 minute countdown - ShawtyyMacJunior - 27.07.2012

I want to make a timer that starts at 1:00 and goes down to 0. I want it also to show and the screen ( bottom right ) as it counts down.

Re: How to make a 1 minute countdown - avivelkayam - 27.07.2012

forward CountDown(cd);
public CountDown(cd)
      new ctd[20];
      format(ctd, sizeof(ctd), "%d", cd);
      if(cd > 0)
              SetTimerEx("CountDown",false, 1000, "d", cd);
       else GameTextForAll("Go",1000,3);
       return 1;
and if you want to do a 1 min countdown you use:

hope i help

AW: How to make a 1 minute countdown - Tigerkiller - 28.07.2012

avi why you are formating a string ?