public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
switch( dialogid )
if ( response == 0 )
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You need to "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"register "#COLOR_WHITE"on this server in order to play." ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You have been "#COLOR_RED"KICKED "#COLOR_WHITE"as registration is compulsary." ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
Kick ( playerid ) ;
PlayerRegister ( playerid , inputtext ) ;
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] , Str3 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"Account : "#COLOR_RED"%s "#COLOR_WHITE"has been registered "COLOR_HIGHGREEN"successfully!" , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_DARKBLUE"Thank you "#COLOR_WHITE"for registration! You may proceed by selecting your skin and spawn" ) ;
format ( Str3 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"%s just regitered their account on the server! "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"We "COLOR_WHITE"welcome %s behalf of all our members" , GetName ( playerid ) , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , Str3 ) ;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
switch( dialogid )
if (!response)
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You need to "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"register "#COLOR_WHITE"on this server in order to play." ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You have been "#COLOR_RED"KICKED "#COLOR_WHITE"as registration is compulsary." ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
Kick ( playerid ) ;
return 1;
PlayerRegister ( playerid , inputtext ) ;
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] , Str3 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"Account : "#COLOR_RED"%s "#COLOR_WHITE"has been registered "COLOR_HIGHGREEN"successfully!" , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_DARKBLUE"Thank you "#COLOR_WHITE"for registration! You may proceed by selecting your skin and spawn" ) ;
format ( Str3 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"%s just regitered their account on the server! "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"We "COLOR_WHITE"welcome %s behalf of all our members" , GetName ( playerid ) , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , Str3 ) ;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
switch( dialogid )
if (!response)
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You need to "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"register "#COLOR_WHITE"on this server in order to play." ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You have been "#COLOR_RED"KICKED "#COLOR_WHITE"as registration is compulsary." ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
Kick ( playerid ) ;
else if (response)
PlayerRegister ( playerid , inputtext ) ;
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] , Str3 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"Account : "#COLOR_RED"%s "#COLOR_WHITE"has been registered "COLOR_HIGHGREEN"successfully!" , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_DARKBLUE"Thank you "#COLOR_WHITE"for registration! You may proceed by selecting your skin and spawn" ) ;
format ( Str3 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"%s just regitered their account on the server! "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"We "COLOR_WHITE"welcome %s behalf of all our members" , GetName ( playerid ) , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , Str3 ) ;
Try this:
pawn Код:
If Firecat's code doesn't work try.
PHP код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
switch( dialogid )
if (!response)
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You need to "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"register "#COLOR_WHITE"on this server in order to play." ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"You have been "#COLOR_RED"KICKED "#COLOR_WHITE"as registration is compulsary." ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
Kick ( playerid ) ;
else if (response)
PlayerRegister ( playerid , inputtext ) ;
new Str [ 128 ] , Str2 [ 128 ] , Str3 [ 128 ] ;
format ( Str , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"Account : "#COLOR_RED"%s "#COLOR_WHITE"has been registered "COLOR_HIGHGREEN"successfully!" , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
format ( Str2 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_DARKBLUE"Thank you "#COLOR_WHITE"for registration! You may proceed by selecting your skin and spawn" ) ;
format ( Str3 , 128 , ""#COLOR_RED"» "#COLOR_WHITE"%s just regitered their account on the server! "#COLOR_HIGHGREEN"We "COLOR_WHITE"welcome %s behalf of all our members" , GetName ( playerid ) , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , Str2 ) ;
SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , Str3 ) ;
if ( !response ) return Kick ( playerid );
if ( response )
if ( strlen ( inputtext ) >= 4 && strlen ( inputtext ) <= 35 )
PlayerLogin ( playerid , inputtext ) ;
PTimer [ playerid ] = SetTimerEx ( "PlayTime" , 1000 , 1 , "i" , playerid ) ;
ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid , DIALOG_LOG , DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT , "{FF0000}Password Incorrent {FFFFFF}- {80FF00}Login" , "{FFFFFF}The password enetered was {FF0000}incorrect\n{FFFFFF}Type your password again to login:" , "Login" , "Leave" ) ;
return 1;
return 1;
Both of your codes (above) don't make any sense. If response is 0, then it is 0 and nothing else. The other code block is never called. There is nothing wrong with the original structure the OP posted.
The file is probably created when connecting. |
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
new Name [ 35 ] ;
format ( Name , 35 , UserPath , GetName ( playerid ) ) ;
if ( fexist ( Name ) )
INI_ParseFile ( Name , "LoadUser_Data", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid , DIALOG_LOG , DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT , "{80FF00}Login" , "{FFFFFF}Your account was {80FF00}found {FFFFFF}in our database!\nType your password to login:" , "Login" , "Leave" ) ;
ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid , DIALOG_REG , DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT , "{0215FB}Register" , "{FFFFFF}Your account does {FF0000}not {FFFFFF}exist in our database!\nType your desired password to create an account:" , "Register" , "Leave" ) ;
return 1;
Strange, are you sure the file isn't already created? Try to debug it, see if PlayerRegister is called after the player is kicked by using prints.