/* * DUtils functions 1.10 * © Copyright 2006-2007 by DracoBlue * * @author : DracoBlue (http://dracoblue.com) * @date : 8th April 2006 * @update : 12th July 2007 * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). * */ #if defined _dutils_included #endinput #endif #define _dutils_included #pragma library dutils #define MAX_STRING 255 new PRIVATE_Last_Money[MAX_PLAYERS]; /* * First version released by mike, this one created by DracoBlue * Has also a fix to use "-" and "+" in the beginning of the number. */ stock isNumeric(const string[]) { new length=strlen(string); if (length==0) return false; for (new i = 0; i < length; i++) { if ( (string[i] > '9' || string[i] < '0' && string[i]!='-' && string[i]!='+') // Not a number,'+' or '-' || (string[i]=='-' && i!=0) // A '-' but not at first. || (string[i]=='+' && i!=0) // A '+' but not at first. ) return false; } if (length==1 && (string[0]=='-' || string[0]=='+')) return false; return true; } /* * Originally created by mabako, tuned by DracoBlue */ stock mktime(hour,minute,second,day,month,year) { new timestamp2; timestamp2 = second + (minute * 60) + (hour * 3600); new days_of_month[12]; if ( ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0) ) { days_of_month = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; // Schaltjahr } else { days_of_month = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; // keins } new days_this_year = 0; days_this_year = day; if(month > 1) { // No January Calculation, because its always the 0 past months for(new i=0; i<month-1;i++) { days_this_year += days_of_month[i]; } } timestamp2 += days_this_year * 86400; for(new j=1970;j<year;j++) { timestamp2 += 31536000; if ( ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0) ) timestamp2 += 86400; // Schaltjahr + 1 Tag } return timestamp2; } /** * Return if a Email is valid or not * @param value */ stock ValidEmail(email[]) { new len=strlen(email); new cstate=0; new i; for(i=0;i<len;i++) { if ((cstate==0 || cstate==1) && (email[i]>='A' && email[i]<='Z') || (email[i]>='a' && email[i]<='z') || (email[i]=='.') || (email[i]=='-') || (email[i]=='_')) { } else { // Ok no A..Z,a..z,_,.,- if ((cstate==0) &&(email[i]=='@')) { // its an @ after the name, ok state=1; cstate=1; } else { // Its stuff which is not allowed return false; } } } if (cstate<1) return false; if (len<6) return false; // A toplevel domain has only 3 to 4 signs if ((email[len-3]=='.') || (email[len-4]=='.') || (email[len-5]=='.')) return true; return false; } /** * Return a timestamp */ stock Time() { new hour,minute,second; new year, month,day; gettime(hour, minute, second); getdate(year, month, day); return mktime(hour,minute,second,day,month,year); } /** * Return a timestamp */ stock Now() { new hour,minute,second; new year, month,day; gettime(hour, minute, second); getdate(year, month, day); return mktime(hour,minute,second,day,month,year); } /** * Return the value of an hex-string * @param string */ stock HexToInt(string[]) { if (string[0]==0) return 0; new i; new cur=1; new res=0; for (i=strlen(string);i>0;i--) { if (string[i-1]<5 res=res+cur*(string[i-1]-4; else res=res+cur*(string[i-1]-65+10); cur=cur*16; } return res; } /** * Return the int as string * @param number */ stock IntToHex(number) { new m=1; new depth=0; while (number>=m) { m = m*16; depth++; } depth--; new str[MAX_STRING]; for (new i = depth; i >= 0; i--) { str[i] = ( number & 0x0F) + 0x30; // + (tmp > 9 ? 0x07 : 0x00) str[i] += (str[i] > '9') ? 0x07 : 0x00; number >>= 4; } str[8] = '\0'; return str; } /** * Return the string as int * @param string */ stock StrToInt(string[]) { return strval(string); } /** * Return the value as string * @param value */ stock IntToStr(value) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; valstr(tmp, value); return tmp; } /** * Return the truncated value * @param Float:value */ stock trunc(Float:value) { return floatround(value,floatround_floor); } /** * Sets money for player * @param playerid * howmuch */ stock SetPlayerMoney(playerid,howmuch) { PRIVATE_Last_Money[playerid]=howmuch; GivePlayerMoney(playerid,howmuch-GetPlayerMoney(playerid)); } /** * Copies a file (Source file won't be deleted!) * @param oldname * newname * @requires WINDOWS */ stock fcopy(oldname[],newname[]) { new Filehnd,File:nhnd; if (!fexist(oldname)) return false; ohnd=fopen(oldname,io_read); nhnd=fopen(newname,io_write); new buf2[1]; new i; for (i=flength(ohnd);i>0;i--) { fputchar(nhnd, fgetchar(ohnd, buf2[0],false),false); } fclose(ohnd); fclose(nhnd); return true; } /** * Copies a textfile (Source file won't be deleted!) * @param oldname * newname */ stock fcopytextfile(oldname[],newname[]) { new Filehnd,File:nhnd; if (!fexist(oldname)) return false; ohnd=fopen(oldname,io_read); nhnd=fopen(newname,io_write); new tmpres[MAX_STRING]; while (fread(ohnd,tmpres)) { StripNewLine(tmpres); format(tmpres,sizeof(tmpres),"%s\r\n",tmpres); fwrite(nhnd,tmpres); } fclose(ohnd); fclose(nhnd); return true; } /** * Renames a file (Source file will be deleted!) * @param oldname * newname * @requires WINDOWS (because fcopy does) */ stock frename(oldname[],newname[]) { if (!fexist(oldname)) return false; fremove(newname); if (!fcopy(oldname,newname)) return false; fremove(oldname); return true; } /** * Renames a file (Source file will be deleted!) * @param oldname * newname */ stock frenametextfile(oldname[],newname[]) { if (!fexist(oldname)) return false; fremove(newname); if (!fcopytextfile(oldname,newname)) return false; fremove(oldname); return true; } /** * Strips Newline from the end of a string. * Idea: ******, Bugfixing (when length=1) by DracoBlue * @param string */ stock StripNewLine(string[]) { new len = strlen(string); if (string[0]==0) return ; if ((string[len - 1] == '\n') || (string[len - 1] == '\r')) { string[len - 1] = 0; if (string[0]==0) return ; if ((string[len - 2] == '\n') || (string[len - 2] == '\r')) string[len - 2] = 0; } } /** * Copies items from one array/string into return. * @param source * index (where to start, 0 is first) * numbytes (how much) */ ret_memcpy(source[],index=0,numbytes) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; new i=0; tmp[0]=0; if (index>=strlen(source)) return tmp; if (numbytes+index>=strlen(source)) numbytes=strlen(source)-index; if (numbytes<=0) return tmp; for (i=index;i<numbytes+index;i++) { tmp[i-index]=source[i]; if (source[i]==0) return tmp; } tmp[numbytes]=0; return tmp; } /** * Copies items from one array/string into another. * @param dest * source * count */ stock copy(dest[],source[],count) { dest[0]=0; if (count<0) return false; if (count>strlen(source)) count=strlen(source); new i=0; for (i=0;i<count;i++) { dest[i]=source[i]; if (source[i]==0) return true; } dest[count]=0; return true; } /** * Deletes the first 'count' items of a array/string * @param string[] * count */ stock delete(string[],count) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; tmp[0]=0; if (count<=0) { format(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s",string); return tmp; } tmp=ret_memcpy(string,count,strlen(string)); return tmp; } /** * Sets a string's value to source. * @param dest * source * count */ stock set(dest[],source[]) { new count = strlen(source); new i=0; for (i=0;i<count;i++) { dest[i]=source[i]; } dest[count]=0; } /** * Checks wether two strings are equal (case insensetive) * @param str1 * str2 */ stock equal(str1[],str2[],bool:ignorecase) { if (strlen(str1)!=strlen(str2)) return false; if (strcmp(str1,str2,ignorecase)==0) return true; return false; } /** * Returns an element of a string splitted by ' ', default index is 0. * @param string * index */ stock strtok(const string[], &index,seperator=' ') { new length = strlen(string); new offset = index; new result[MAX_STRING]; while ((index < length) && (string[index] != seperator) && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[index - offset] = string[index]; index++; } result[index - offset] = EOS; if ((index < length) && (string[index] == seperator)) { index++; } return result; } stock mod(up,down) { return up-(floatround((up/down),floatround_floor))*down; } stock div(up,down) { return (floatround((up/down),floatround_floor)); } /** * Returns a hashed value in adler32 as int * @param buf */ stock num_hash(buf[]) { new length=strlen(buf); new s1 = 1; new s2 = 0; new n; for (n=0; n<length; n++) { s1 = (s1 + buf[n]) % 65521; s2 = (s2 + s1) % 65521; } return (s2 << 16) + s1; } /** * Returns a hashed value in adler32 as string * @param buf */ stock hash(str2[]) { new tmpdasdsa[MAX_STRING]; tmpdasdsa[0]=0; valstr(tmpdasdsa,num_hash(str2)); return tmpdasdsa; } /** * Returns a string which has 'newstr' where 'trg' was before * @param trg * newstr * src */ stock strreplace(trg[],newstr[],src[]) { new f=0; new s1[MAX_STRING]; new tmp[MAX_STRING]; format(s1,sizeof(s1),"%s",src); f = strfind(s1,trg); tmp[0]=0; while (f>=0) { strcat(tmp,ret_memcpy(s1, 0, f)); strcat(tmp,newstr); format(s1,sizeof(s1),"%s",ret_memcpy(s1, f+strlen(trg), strlen(s1)-f)); f = strfind(s1,trg); } strcat(tmp,s1); return tmp; } /** * Returns the string with lowercase * @param txt */ stock strlower(txt[]) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; tmp[0]=0; if (txt[0]==0) return tmp; new i=0; for (i=0;i<strlen(txt);i++) { tmp[i]=tolower(txt[i]); } tmp[strlen(txt)]=0; return tmp; } /** * Returns the string with uppercase * @param txt */ stock strupper(txt[]) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; tmp[0]=0; if (txt[0]==0) return tmp; new i=0; for (i=0;i<strlen(txt);i++) { tmp[i]=toupper(txt[i]); } tmp[strlen(txt)]=0; return tmp; } |
/* * DUDB functions * © Copyright 2006-2007 by DracoBlue * * @version : 2.4 * @author : DracoBlue (http://dracoblue.net) * @date : 8th May 2006 * @update : 12th July 2007 * @require : DUtils 1.10 * @require : DINI 1.5 * * This Unit is provided as is (no warranties). * Feel free to use it, a little message in * about box is honouring thing, isn't it? * */ #if defined _dudb_included #endinput #endif #define _dudb_included #pragma library dutils #include <dutils> #include <dini> #define dUser(%1).( udb_User(%1, #define dUserINT(%1).( udb_UserInt(%1, #define dUserSet(%1).( udb_UserSet(%1, #define dUserSetINT(%1).( udb_UserSetInt(%1, #define dUserSetFLOAT(%1).( udb_UserSetFloat(%1, #define dUserFLOAT(%1).( udb_UserFloat(%1, stock udb_hash(buf[]) { new length=strlen(buf); new s1 = 1; new s2 = 0; new n; for (n=0; n<length; n++) { s1 = (s1 + buf[n]) % 65521; s2 = (s2 + s1) % 65521; } return (s2 << 16) + s1; } stock udb_encode(nickname[]) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; set(tmp,nickname); tmp=strreplace("_","_00",tmp); tmp=strreplace(";","_01",tmp); tmp=strreplace("!","_02",tmp); tmp=strreplace("/","_03",tmp); tmp=strreplace("\\","_04",tmp); tmp=strreplace("[","_05",tmp); tmp=strreplace("]","_06",tmp); tmp=strreplace("?","_07",tmp); tmp=strreplace(".","_08",tmp); tmp=strreplace("*","_09",tmp); tmp=strreplace("<","_10",tmp); tmp=strreplace(">","_11",tmp); tmp=strreplace("{","_12",tmp); tmp=strreplace("}","_13",tmp); tmp=strreplace(" ","_14",tmp); tmp=strreplace("\"","_15",tmp); tmp=strreplace(":","_16",tmp); tmp=strreplace("|","_17",tmp); tmp=strreplace("=","_18",tmp); return tmp; } stock udb_decode(nickname[]) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; set(tmp,nickname); tmp=strreplace("_01",";",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_02","!",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_03","/",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_04","\\",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_05","[",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_06","]",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_07","?",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_08",".",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_09","*",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_10","<",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_11",">",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_12","{",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_13","}",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_14"," ",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_15","\"",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_16",":",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_17","|",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_18","=",tmp); tmp=strreplace("_00","_",tmp); return tmp; } stock udb_Exists(nickname[]) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; format(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nicknam e)); return fexist(tmp); } stock udb_Remove(nickname[]) { new tmp[MAX_STRING]; format(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nicknam e)); return dini_Remove(tmp); } stock udb_UserSetInt(nickname[],key[],value) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); return dini_IntSet(fname,key,value); } stock udb_UserSetFloat(nickname[],key[],Float:value) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); return dini_FloatSet(fname,key,value); } stock udb_UserSet(nickname[],key[],value[]) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); return dini_Set(fname,key,value); } stock udb_User(nickname[],key[]) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); format(fname,sizeof(fname),dini_Get(fname,key)); return fname; } stock Float:udb_UserFloat(nickname[],key[]) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); return dini_Float(fname,key); } stock udb_UserInt(nickname[],key[]) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); return dini_Int(fname,key); } stock udb_CheckLogin(nickname[],pwd[]) { new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); if (udb_UserInt(nickname,"password_hash")==udb_hash(p wd)) return true; return false; } stock udb_Create(nickname[],pwd[]) { if (udb_Exists(nickname)) return false; new fname[MAX_STRING]; format(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s.ini",udb_encode(nic kname)); dini_Create(fname); udb_UserSetInt(nickname,"password_hash",udb_hash(p wd)); return true; } stock udb_RenameUser(nickname[],newnick[]) { new oldfname[MAX_STRING]; new newfname[MAX_STRING]; format(oldfname,sizeof(oldfname),"%s.ini",udb_enco de(nickname)); format(newfname,sizeof(newfname),"%s.ini",udb_enco de(newnick)); return frenametextfile(oldfname,newfname); } |