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from 360000 to minutes - Printable Version

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from 360000 to minutes - Jstylezzz - 21.07.2012

Hi everyone,

I want to display the time till their payday in minutes when they do /stats...
How would i display a value, like timervalue[playerid] , this is my value, if it would hold 360000, and has to display 60 minutes...

i hope someone can help me with this,

thanks in advance!

Re: from 360000 to minutes - EV007 - 21.07.2012

Use math?
pawn Код:
new timerminutes[playerid];
new timervalue[playerid];

in your timer:
if(timervalue[playerid] == 60)
if(timerminutes[playerid] == 60)
//you can display something there

Re: from 360000 to minutes - Jstylezzz - 21.07.2012

i already have that, i meant just show it in a format, in my /stats..
and for that, i did use math, and i got the answer..

thanks anyways