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Compare two string - Printable Version

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Compare two string - Kyra - 20.07.2012

Hello, I use a timer to display textdraw, i wish does not reuse the function when the string is the same as previously

But I dont know how to compare two string


new string[128];
new oldstring[128];

if(string != oldstring)// not correct

AW: Compare two string - dalkgamler - 20.07.2012

i think you have to use if(!strcmp(string, oldstring)

Re: Compare two string - EV007 - 20.07.2012

#define equal(%0,%1) !strcmp(%0,%1,false) && strlen(%0) == strlen(%1)



Re : Compare two string - Kyra - 20.07.2012


But if u want compare if the two string are different ?

#define equal(%0,%1) !strcmp(%0,%1,false) && strlen(%0) != strlen(%1)
Its correct or not?

Re: Compare two string - EV007 - 20.07.2012


note the ! on beginning

Re: Compare two string - TheArcher - 20.07.2012

Just use the same macro that EV007 have put. So to compare two different strings just do.

if(!equal(string,string2)) etc...

Edit: Duh EV007 was faster than me

Re : Compare two string - Kyra - 20.07.2012

Thanks for your help!! But why doesnt work ?

My code

new stringstats2[MAX_PLAYERS][128];
new oldstringstats2[MAX_PLAYERS][128];

format(stringstats2[i], sizeof(stringstats2), "Kills: %d ~n~Deaths: %d ~n~Ratio: %.2f ~n~Ratio Duel: %.2f",PlayerInfo[i][pKills],PlayerInfo[i][pDeaths],Float:PlayerInfo[i][pKills]/Float:PlayerInfo[i][pDeaths],Float:PlayerInfo[i][pDuelWin]/Float:PlayerInfo[i][pDuelLoose]);
				TextDrawSetString(textdrawstats2[i], stringstats2[i]);
			    format(oldstringstats2[i], sizeof(oldstringstats2), "Kills: %d ~n~Deaths: %d ~n~Ratio: %.2f ~n~Ratio Duel: %.2fs",PlayerInfo[i][pKills],PlayerInfo[i][pDeaths],Float:PlayerInfo[i] [pKills]/Float:PlayerInfo[i][pDeaths],Float:PlayerInfo[i][pDuelWin]/Float:PlayerInfo[i][pDuelLoose]);

Re: Compare two string - Roko_foko - 20.07.2012

Be more specific!
What does not work?
What do you want this code to do?
What it actually do?
Does it give you some warnings/errors?

Re : Compare two string - Kyra - 20.07.2012

Hum i not have warnings and erros

I want not reuse the function "TextDrawSetString(textdrawstats2[i], stringstats2[i]); etc..." when the string is the same as previously to optimize my script

the script stops at "if(!equal(stringstats2[i],oldstringstats2[i]))"

Re : Compare two string - Kyra - 21.07.2012

if(strcmp(string1,string2, true) == 0) // string 1 and string 2 are same
But thx for ur help