Server help (LuxAdmin) - Printable Version
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Server help (LuxAdmin) -
Legit X ionz - 17.07.2012
Okay, so i downloaded Southern Life roleplay damemode, in order to make a Roleplaying server, and there wasnt a list of admin CMDs, and so i looked into LuxAdmin where I installed it, and now The two admin scripts i guess, are running against eachother cancelling out... can someone tell me how to get rid of the Southerlife Roleplays admin system?
Re: Server help (LuxAdmin) -
djshalvin - 17.07.2012
you have to deleat the file and reinstall it
Re: Server help (LuxAdmin) -
Legit X ionz - 17.07.2012
Would you mind showing me how? via teamviewer?
Re: Server help (LuxAdmin) -
Dubya - 18.07.2012
Don't listen to DjShallVin... Just delete the registration system in the SOUTHERN RP Script. BUT... Their might be a '/Ahelp' CMD Ingame of the S-RP script.
Re: Server help (LuxAdmin) -
Dasharkishanjan5 - 18.07.2012
Delete that file and then reinstall it..
Re: Server help (LuxAdmin) -
M3mPHi$_S3 - 18.07.2012
Originally Posted by Dasharkishanjan5
Delete that file and then reinstall it..
Originally Posted by djshalvin
you have to deleat the file and reinstall it
what are you poeple talking about ? just goto FILTERSCRIPTS there might be a admin system used already as filter script then delate it it not them open game mode and remove all admin commands !!!!!