Trying to get my server up -
aTk Pirate - 16.07.2012
I can go into my server and play but when I go to search it up in public or host it does not show for me. I even asked a friend to try and he could not find it as well. Any suggestions?
Re: Trying to get my server up -
djshaneere - 16.07.2012
do you have the annouce set to 0 or 1 in the cfg server file if you have then you may need to port forward the chosen port for eg 7777
Re: Trying to get my server up -
ColorHost-Kevin - 16.07.2012
Make sure your announce is set to 1.
Re: Trying to get my server up -
RXservers - 16.07.2012
Set your announce to 1 in server.cfg
There are thousands servers online on 'Internet List' so it may be just harder for your server to show.
Re: Trying to get my server up -
aTk Pirate - 16.07.2012
It was already set to 1, I even turned lan mode off since it was on at the time. My friend still can't see it.
HostName: [LSSD] Los Santos Sheriff Dept.
Address: :7777
Players: 0 / 32
Ping: 3
Mode: Cops n Robbers V1.1
Map: San Andreas
That is the info if some one wants to see if they can see it. As for port forwarding I have no idea on how to do it so I placed myself to DMZ hosting....
Re: Trying to get my server up -
HyDrAtIc - 16.07.2012
Originally Posted by aTk Pirate
It was already set to 1, I even turned lan mode off since it was on at the time. My friend still can't see it.
HostName: [LSSD] Los Santos Sheriff Dept.
Address: :7777
Players: 0 / 32
Ping: 3
Mode: Cops n Robbers V1.1
Map: San Andreas
That is the info if some one wants to see if they can see it. As for port forwarding I have no idea on how to do it so I placed myself to DMZ hosting....
Wanna Learn How To Portforward
Re: Trying to get my server up -
aTk Pirate - 16.07.2012
Should LANMODE be on or off?
Re: Trying to get my server up -
aTk Pirate - 16.07.2012
Also I don't see a Local IP Address Option with the ISP I am using. Its a lot different from what your using in that tut..... Once again any help would be appreciated
Re: Trying to get my server up -
rami.chaar2 - 17.07.2012
all you have to do it port forward so people like friends can see it
Re: Trying to get my server up -
CrossUSAAF - 17.07.2012
Sometimes it takes time, before your server appears to "Internet" list. There is so many servers running. If you have "Hosted" tab service, then you see your server always without waiting.
Thank you and if you haven't port forwarded, please remember to do it.