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help me - ashwinsekhari - 13.07.2012

i canrt get my server online after doing many things made my ip static portforward but it is not comming online help me me please

Re: help me - TRe. - 13.07.2012

have team viewer just pm me

Re: help me - Lordzy - 13.07.2012

I think your portforward was not successful.
That's why you are facing such problems.

Re: help me - Dan. - 13.07.2012

Make sure your ISP is not blocking your ports, some Internet Service Providers block ports by default, and you have to contact them to get them opened, or just your port forward wasn't successful.

You could try portforwarding with uTorrent, that's the way I do it and my server is online.

Re: help me - Abhi - 13.07.2012

announce and query to 1 in server .cgf

Re: help me - M3mPHi$_S3 - 13.07.2012

if you have port forworded correctly so goto and share with your friend !!!!

Re: help me - Markā„¢ - 13.07.2012

Post your server_log.

Re: help me - CrossUSAAF - 13.07.2012


We are glad to help you. Please post your server log text file and server.cfg, so we can see what we can correct for you. It's easier to read, when you put texts inside to codes.

Thank you.

Re: help me - ashwinsekhari - 14.07.2012

i can only attach log file but here is the text for server.cfg

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 1234
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname the all new ninja naruto
gamemode0 Funzone 1
filterscripts baseaf gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime gl_mapicon ls_elevator Bank VIP Autonos Mini [MV]_cPanel2.2 CookieAdmin
announce 1
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]

Re: help me - CrossUSAAF - 14.07.2012


Server log text file looks like clean. Put 1 to maxnpc and try to add to your favorites in SA-MP client. After when this is done, try to join your server and look, if it's working. If it works, please go to "Internet" tab in SA-MP client and try to search you game mode.