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ramp help - Printable Version

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ramp help - srcka< - 13.07.2012

how i make to open and close the ramp with CMD !

here is the cordinates of ramp

CreateObject(968,1544.59997559,-1630.80004883,13.39999962,0.00000000,0.00000000,90 .00000000); //object(barrierturn) (1)

Re: ramp help - Captain_Mani - 13.07.2012

Which way do you want it to close?

Re: ramp help - srcka< - 13.07.2012

automatically if you if the command

but the ramp to be opened up / down

Re: ramp help - Captain_Mani - 13.07.2012

You want the ramp to be opened like in a toll booth right? Like in rail way crossing ramps right?

Re: ramp help - srcka< - 13.07.2012

yea i want that

Re: ramp help - Captain_Mani - 13.07.2012

But that cannot be done.