Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Mauzen - 11.07.2012
This is a script i developed for testing and tutorial purposes.
Basically its a ai script for police officers. You can create police npcs and assign them a set of waypoints, where they are walking continuosly. If a player near a police officer fires a weapon, the officer chases him, and fires at him if he is close enough. If the player dies, or runs too far away, the officer stops chasing him and continues his waypoint route.
The script contains quite a lot comments, especially in the RNPC relevant part, and is even easily extensible if you want the npcs to do more (like a third range level where the player is arrested, other conditions that start the chase, or whatever).
The script of course needs the
RNPC plugin.
Then include the file, and create a police officer like this, all the rest is done automatically. Values like the attack or vision range can be modified through the defines at the beginning. See the include code for other provided functions, like removing the npcs.
pawn Код:
new rp = CreateRNPCPolice("Officerino", 280);
AddRPOLWaypoint(rp, 2029.42, 1354.34, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint(rp, 2033.55, 1286.21, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint(rp, 2079.03, 1286.00, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint(rp, 2079.02, 1362.08, 10.5);
Dont just copy&paste that code to OnGameModeInit() or main(), this wont work due to RNPC limitations. Instead execute this code delayed, with a timer or a command.
So heres the link to the script
And heres a short video showing an RNPC officer in action:
Hope this helps some guys, either in understanding RNPC, AI scripts in general, or with the offered police services itself
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC -
AIped - 11.07.2012
Nice example! i cant wait to do the same with vehicles in the future
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
TheArcher - 11.07.2012
omg ill try it wjen i get home good job
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Lorenc_ - 11.07.2012
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
lordturhan - 11.07.2012
Can they detect wanted players?
And only shoot wanted players?
And can they support other weapons?
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Larceny - 11.07.2012
Haha, this is cool.
Good job.
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
TheArcher - 11.07.2012
Originally Posted by lordturhan
Can they detect wanted players?
And only shoot wanted players?
And can they support other weapons?
Wanted players can be scripted manualy.
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Mauzen - 11.07.2012
Originally Posted by lordturhan
Can they detect wanted players?
And only shoot wanted players?
And can they support other weapons?
Yep, as Archer already said. AIs can do whatever you like, this one is preconfigured to make it quite easy, just take a look at the script.
You can check the wanted level of players and their distance in the WatchTimer, same with shooting. Changing the weapon is a simple number, just keep an eye open for this:
pawn Код:
// Set weapon
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Georgi166 - 11.07.2012
OMG!Amazing!!Can you kill the cop?
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Mauzen - 11.07.2012
Originally Posted by Georgi166
OMG!Amazing!!Can you kill the cop? ![Cheesy](images/smilies/biggrin.png)
Killing the npcs requires an own hitdetection system, normally this isnt possible. There are things like OnPlayerShootPlayer, or something using GetPlayerTargetPlayer. I quite sure wont add hitdetection to RNPC, as I got my own system in sutd that wont be released, and i dont like rewriting something just for the release
Respuesta: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
ipsBruno - 11.07.2012
Good working Mauzen !!
I am creating a system of zombies, advise the use of RNPC !!
Kill NPC
pawn Code:
// top of gm
new tirosLevados[MAX_PLAYERS];
// onplayer update
static targetplayer, Keys,ud,lr;
targetplayer = GetPlayerTargetPlayer(playerid);
if(targetplayer != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && Keys == KEY_FIRE || Keys == 132)
if(IsPlayerNPC(targetplayer)) {
SetPVarInt(playerid, "timesTick", GetTickCount());
if(tirosLevados[targetplayer] > 20) { // 20 shoots +-
OnPlayerDeath(targetplayer, playerid, GetPlayerWeapon(playerid));
tirosLevados[targetplayer] = 0;
pawn Code:
CHK_RowMoviment(n, moviment) {
if(moviment > rowNPCMove[n]) {
return false;
format(rowSTR[0], 32, "rowNPC%dX", moviment);
format(rowSTR[1], 32, "rowNPC%dY", moviment);
format(rowSTR[2], 32, "rowNPC%dZ", moviment);
return IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(n, 1.5, GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[0]),GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[1]),GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[2]));
EXE_RowMoviment(n) {
if(!rowNPCMove[n] || execROWMoviment[n] > (rowNPCMove[n] - 1)) {
return false;
if(execROWMoviment[n]) {
if(!CHK_RowMoviment(n, execROWMoviment[n]-1)) {
return false;
if(execROWMoviment[n] > 1) {
for(new i = execROWMoviment[n]-1; i > -1; i--) {
format(rowSTR[0], 32, "rowNPC%dX", i);
format(rowSTR[1], 32, "rowNPC%dY", i);
format(rowSTR[2], 32, "rowNPC%dZ", i);
format(rowSTR[3], 32, "rowNPC%dS", i);
format(rowSTR[0], 32, "rowNPC%dX", execROWMoviment[n]);
format(rowSTR[1], 32, "rowNPC%dY", execROWMoviment[n]);
format(rowSTR[2], 32, "rowNPC%dZ", execROWMoviment[n]);
format(rowSTR[3], 32, "rowNPC%dS", execROWMoviment[n]);
MoveRNPC(n, GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[0]),GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[1]),GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[2]),GetPVarFloat(n, rowSTR[3]));
return execROWMoviment[n]++;
ADD_RowMoviment(n, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:s) {
static str[32];
format(str, 32, "rowNPC%dX", rowNPCMove[n]);
SetPVarFloat(n, str, x);
format(str, 32, "rowNPC%dY", rowNPCMove[n]);
SetPVarFloat(n, str, y);
format(str, 32, "rowNPC%dZ", rowNPCMove[n]);
SetPVarFloat(n, str, z);
format(str, 32, "rowNPC%dS", rowNPCMove[n]);
SetPVarFloat(n, str, s);
return rowNPCMove[n]++;
Now use:
pawn Code:
ADD_RowMoviment(npcid, x-0.1, y-0.1, z,0.006);
// MoveRNPC(npcid, x-0.1, y-0.1, z,0.006);
pawn Code:
new execROWMoviment[MAX_PLAYERS];
new rowNPCMove[MAX_PLAYERS];
This follows exactly where the player walks. It can also be optimized ..
- So the NPC does not fly on the wall, or walk inside them or fly into holes
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
TheArcher - 12.07.2012
what about calling "OnPlayerShootPlayer" when a player get shoot another one? Should be easy using CallLocalFunction
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
Lorenc_ - 12.07.2012
you need to make a health variable and have a list of weapon offsets to decrease health etc, it'd be much better if mauzen scripted a OnPlayerShootNPC public, because he is a math freak! (in a good way!)
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
TheArcher - 12.07.2012
Originally Posted by Lorenc_
you need to make a health variable and have a list of weapon offsets to decrease health etc, it'd be much better if mauzen scripted a OnPlayerShootNPC public, because he is a math freak! (in a good way!)
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
McCurdy - 13.07.2012
nice dude...
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
qq757679895 - 14.07.2012
How do I add AI police in the script.
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
TheArcher - 14.07.2012
Originally Posted by qq757679895
How do I add AI police in the script.
CreateRNPCPolice(Name[], Skin);
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
qq757679895 - 14.07.2012
CreateRNPCPolice(Name[], Skin); added where
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
TheArcher - 14.07.2012
Originally Posted by qq757679895
CreateRNPCPolice(Name[], Skin); added where
Wherever you want to add the function. For example if you want to add a cop when the server starts up Just put on
pawn Code:
CreateRNPCPolice("Myname" 296);
Re: Simple AI Police Officer NPC using RNPC -
qq757679895 - 14.07.2012
In the end how to build an AI police,I did not create a successful.