PHP код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
static LastText[MAX_PLAYERS][128];
if(strfind(LastText[playerid], text, false) != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "<!>Don't spam!"), 0;
strmid(LastText[playerid], text, 0, strlen(text), sizeof(LastText[]));
badWords[][] =
for(new i; i != sizeof(badWords); ++i)
replaceSwear(text, badWords[i]);
return 0;
stock replaceSwear(string[], badWord[], replace = '*')
while((i = strfind(string, badWord, true)) != -1)
for(new x = (i + strlen(badWord)); i != x; ++i)
string[i] = replace;
return 1;
Commands are working fine but each time I try to use chat it just doesnt display the message
Resolved, there was problem with something else. Thanks anyway