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stock SetPlayerMoney Problems [Rep+] - Devilxz97 - 10.07.2012

Hey guys how can i fix this ?

C:\Users\user\Desktop\SAMP\pawno\include\ : warning 209: function "SetPlayerMoney" should return a value
C:\Users\user\Desktop\NBDM.pwn(395) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
C:\Users\user\Desktop\NBDM.pwn(396) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetPlayerMoney"
pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerMoney(playerid, money)
    return GivePlayerMoney(playerid, money);
line 395
pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerMoney(playerid, money)
pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerMoney(playerid, money)
{ < -- line 396

Re: help Rep+ - coole210 - 10.07.2012

As you see here:

SAMP\pawno\include\ : warning 209: function "SetPlayerMoney" should return a value
SetPlayerMoney already exists in, and it has a warning.

Re: help Rep+ - Devilxz97 - 10.07.2012

oh shit forgot bout it thanks again Rep+