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How would I remove object from player after it being attached - Printable Version

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How would I remove object from player after it being attached - aaronwelsh - 09.07.2012

So once a player gets cuffed by an officer it adds a pair of cuffs
PHP код:
SetPlayerAttachedObject(giveplayerid0194186, -0.0110000.028000, -0.022000, -15.600012, -33.699977, -81.7000350.8919991.0000001.168000);
I know you use RemovePlayerAttachedObject but anytime I try and make it, the cuffs remain on them so of course I'm doing it wrong.
Could someone show me the correct way to remove the object? Thanks a lot

Re: How would I remove object from player after it being attached - Elysian` - 09.07.2012

Here, This will help.

Re: How would I remove object from player after it being attached - MP2 - 09.07.2012

I made an include to easily use cuffs - see my signature.

Re: How would I remove object from player after it being attached - Elysian` - 09.07.2012

Originally Posted by MP2
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Won't let you access it.

Re: How would I remove object from player after it being attached - aaronwelsh - 09.07.2012

Originally Posted by MP2
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It's giving me the "You don't have the permission to access this page" message lol.
Thanks though

Re: How would I remove object from player after it being attached - MP2 - 09.07.2012

Originally Posted by Windows32
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Won't let you access it.
Damn iPhone. See my sig.